
People out there with Agoraphobia, how do you deal, how do you cope?

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People out there with Agoraphobia, how do you deal, how do you cope?




  1. It's hard. I didn't realize it had a name until I was hospitalized for a different psychiatric reason, and when we had to go outside for our rec time, I freaked. They had to take me back in when I started shaking too bad, and wrapped me in a blanket. That's when I found out that there was a name to it. I was 16 at that time.

    For me personally, I have my good days, and my bad days. On good days, I can stay outside for a little before i have the desperate urge to go back in, and on my bad days... well... I just don't leave the house.

    I try to deal with it by forcing myself to go out and do things in crowded places. At first, it was really hard. My doctor actually had to prescribe me a dissolvable tablet for when I had anxiety attacks. After that, it got better. But if I don't go out for a long time, it's hard to get to that spot where I can go out and actually enjoy myself, instead of wondering 'When can I go home?'.

    When I was younger, I didn't cope well with it at all. I actually didn't leave my house at all for half a year. That included going to school and to appintments. Whenever someone from school called me and asked if I wanted to hang out, I said no. My family tried to help me, but I didn't see anything wrong with me. I just didn't want to leave the house. That's what I told myself.

    Now though, I can go out for short periods of time. Sometimes, I actually want to go out, and do so. It took years to get to this point, most of which involved the dissolvable tablets, and forcing myself to go outside for brief moments of time, which eventually got longer the more time passed. The longest I've stayed out was five hours (though that was because I got stranded. I didn't freak out though, so I count it as a win).

    I hope this answered your question. It's rather hard to explain what I'm trying to say.

  2. xanax

  3. Trust me,it is all about breathing correctly,Doctors told me this for years & I thought it was too simple to be true.Read about anxiety & see what it says about breathing.

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