
People over 50: is there anything u regret doing or wish u had done? Please, honestly share...?

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People over 50: is there anything u regret doing or wish u had done? Please, honestly share...?




  1. I wish I learnt music and became a singer. I have a good liking for music and I envy those who can sing in the most traditional way. If I were to be born again, I pray God to make me a singer so that I am happy and make others happy listening to my singing.

  2. I wished i had finished school.Wish i had  been a more out going person when younger.Wish i had waited to marry, as i married very very young.Wish i had thought more about my children when having them, had five, with our finances, should have only had 2, but would never change it if i could have.

    regret not appreciating my children more when they were young, interacting with them more and so forth.Reget doing too much for our children also, as sometimes i think it may be enabling them to continue in an iresponsible way as adults, am working on that.

  3. No not any more - I  had a suicide attempt at 9 years old and was really crazy as a fourteen year old and looking back I lived my life in way that contained this best - I was dealt a difficult hand to play but instinctively I seem to have done everything  I needed to do to get weller.

    I did at a time regret that I hadn't been a better mother but looking back - not excusing myself - I did the best I was capable of and have been honest with my children about my faults.    

    I suppose I don't have regrets as I am 60 and still active and still have time to do anything I choose - I couldn't have used my teenager - young woman years any differently as i didn't have the capacity I have now  - to understand myself.

  4. I can't, in all honesty, regret anything   I did.The choices I made were mine,and mine alone,and were the right ones[ at the time.] Regrets are of no importance-"if I had only..." "if I hadn't".. serve only to beat myself up..yesterday is gone.

    I can only tell you,through my own experiences, that a certain  action might be   harmful  because I know the possible consequences.The final decision is yours..and yours alone

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