
People please see my question please...baffled by truth

by Guest66881  |  earlier

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what is this??? i was just exploring the various pages of the internet when all of a sudden i discovered this website

wtf is this some sick joke and is affiliated with

wtf is this c**p... check it out pleasee i need some answers...




  1. There is probably some really creepy people on there.. Ew Twilight o_o

  2. this should seem to answer any questions

    i havent even thought about vampires until now

    and Tru Blood, i wonder if that will make money.

  3. Harmless weirdo's is all, the world is full of people who want to be seen as 'different'.

  4. ever heard the expression tongue in cheek?

    heck, this is probably your website - you just put it up here to get lots of hits.

    good strategy!

  5. that's messed up

    like seriously


    the h**l


  6. Wow.

  7. W T HECK is this! Vampires are not real and why do they make such stupid websites!

  8. I think its a joke people don't have lives so they try to freak people out. That is just plan retarted

  9. That it really....................

    Jesus , i am acctually speechless.

  10. id like to say something no one else said... people are STUPID if they say there's NO SUCH THING as vampires and such. Seriously? How are you people supposed to know they exsist? On this planet even?  And That is pretty weird... There probably are people who crave human blood but we just call them vampires. Prob some scientific name or something

  11. this is one of the most amazing thing i ever saw

    this cant be possible lol

    well the only related thing to this is the possibility of drinking blood or execute

    some rituals. I dont see other way.

    This can be just a paper role, in the real life

  12. thats a joke. there are no such things as vampires.

  13. It's stupid and a waste of time. Ppl r lifeless & want others 2 waste their time. They got u.

  14. Oh my god, I love you for showing me this. I seriosly am rolling on the floor laughing my butt off. You seriously just made my day. Thank you.

  15. that's sick

  16. =)))) that's the most stupid website EVER! hahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahhahahaha...

  17. Wow, I really can't see how this is true. This is taking it too far, America! But I did happen to know a "vampire" in high school. He had a "human" side and a "vampire" side and a girl for each side of himself. Personally, I think this was a clever ploy to have two girlfriends, but who knows. There are many vampire communities out there...

  18. wow thats all i can say

  19. i think its a joke site cause there is no such things as vampires lol wtf that is what i said when i saw it

  20. you have no life

  21. Actually I have read about this, there are people who DO drink the blood of others..sick in my opinion!!

  22. OMG!  Those are hilarious!  

  23. Okay... What in the world?

    Probably some phishing or fake website..

  24. i think yes...... there is no vampires

  25. You now its probably made by some people who are OBSESED with the twilight book series. I love those books but come on people!

  26. Relax people.

    It's just a promotion for a new HBO series.

  27. I like the logo of the AVL that looked good, gave me a good laugh really vampires. I wonder will I get "Pandora" from the book by Anna Rice on the dating site. ..........

    As long as they don't do things like that German couple did years ago who thought they were vampires it be alright.  

  28. I think its a joke, and a dumb one at that.

  29. Its a joke you dumb ****

  30. Well I think they are on about people who need to drink blood to survive.I am sure years ago there was something said about people needing blood but there not vampires.Wish I could remember where i read about it.

    PS/ Type ( Modern day vampires ) in yahoo search all will be revealed.

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