
People please tell me what should as I can 180 ollie but I cant 360 ollie what do I do?

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People please tell me what should as I can 180 ollie but I cant 360 ollie what do I do?




  1. try rolling faster. also try improving your jump height. if your jumping like 5 inch's off the ground you'd have to spin as fast as a helicopter blade to make a 360. also jerk your bars harder before the jump and turn your head AND throw your shoulders into it.

    really it just comes down to practise practise practise. but if you find that you did it almost once, then kind of got worse the try after JUST STOP! your just going to mess yourself up more. land an almost one, try again, fail? then let it go and come back 5 minutes later or else you will just teach yourself the wrong way.

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