
People say I smell bad...What can I do to smell better?

by  |  earlier

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  1. depends what u smell of? if it is b.o then deodrant/anti perspirant might work. also washing regularly helps.  

  2. deotorant/colone/shower/SOAP/washed clothes/washed hair

    Its called P-E-R-S-O-N-A-L    H-Y-G-E-N-E       try it.    it works for me!

  3. Cut down on cheese, onion and garlic, and drink more water. Cologne and perfume just covers it up.

  4. uh shower everyday get a deodorant that works and wear tag or axe

    it smells very super good and girls wove it ^-^

  5. AXE :) I Love Guys Who Smell Like Axe no matter how good.bad looking they are i would date them if they smelled like axe :) :P


    hope this helped/

  6. i'm going to go ahead and say take showers daily if not twice a day. if you have long hair that may be the issue so cut it. use deodorant. maybe shave ur chest hair.good luck

  7. You do not say how. Body odor? Bad breath? You need to see a doctor. There are drugs you can take. You can change your diet.

  8. Shower every morning and night. Then use deodorant under your arms and powder all over body. brush teeth 2-3 times a day. Wash your sheets at least twice a week. Always wear clean clothes.

  9. shower, cologne, deoderant, wash your clothes with laundry ditergant

  10. Washed hair, Washed Clothing, Deodorant.


  11. mm shower  three to four times a day  use Deodorant and brush teeh change yoru shorts more then once a weeek and your socks lol

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