
People say brush your tounge, but?

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you are supposed to brush your tounge with a toothbrush right? i can only brush the very tip because when i try to brush further back where the white stuff is, i gag and feel like i will throw up. what do i do?




  1. You might going back to far along the tongue. Go to the dental section of your store and they have tongue swipers. Check one out and see it is easier to use. It might take some practice working farther back along the tongue over time.  

  2. don't do it so far in there!  

  3. Use mouth-wash, get a tongue scrapper(they supposedly won't cause you to gag as much, or damage your taste buds like hard brissles will) or just learn to deal with the gag reflex. Don't get too close to your uvula with either!! :)

    or i guess your other solution is to obviously, not brush your whole tongue. It won't end all man-kind....most ppl don't brush their tongues.....A for effort. Cleanliness is next to Godliness, some ppl say.

  4. Use a good non-alcohol based mouth rinse. It has the same effect.

  5. then only do the tip!  lol

  6. nothing just keep doing what your doing

  7. If you can't handle scraping your tongue with a foreign object, stick your tongue out as far as you can, gently bite down, then pull your tongue back as your teeth scrape it clean. Then you can spit out and rinse.

  8. I'm not sure what they are exactly called....but follow the link. You can find them anywhere they sell toothbrushes :) I know it looks weird, but it works for me!

  9. Cleaning the tongue is very important. You can clean it with tooth brush or tongue scrapper or even dental floss can be used. Intially you will have this gag reflex but if you keep on using you will become used to it. Cleaning the back of tongue is very important because that is the area where maximum deposits are present. Tip of the tongue is considered as self cleansing. For more information on tongue cleaning you can visit the following link

  10. You put the rush as much as you can in the back part of the tounge wher it won't make you gag ..and set it down... Then you ONLY bursh forward. You repeat this untill you are satisfied that it's clean.

    Most people gag because they brush in all sorts of directions.

  11. that white stuff will make you have bad breath. just get used to it.

  12. well u dont go THAT far back lol

  13. A tounge scraper works very well. The gag reflex is not nearly as strong when using a scraper. It reaches all the way back.

    I've heard that brushing your tounge can damage your taste buds, while scraping does no damage. I'm not sure if that is true, however.

    You should be able to find a tounge scraper near the tooth brushes at any store.  

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