
People search/super hard!!?

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ok so when i was little my mom decided to leave me and my dad and now im 18 and i found out a while ago i have a brother .. my dad never knew eather and we both dont kno his name.. i kno hes older and lives in a different state than me i kno my moms name but i have no idea how im going to even start this search .. i just need a good site to go to just something that can help me out plean




  1. Depending on what information you have about him now(Ie: his name, location, etc) you can probably check into his records to find more about him, this is what people do to find someone. Try its cheap, and accurate. If you have any sort of information about him, the site should help a lot.

  2. I used to do adoption searches,burnt me out.try 1st. write down info. go to and do a reverse look up. also not to be morbid but check Rootsweb SSDI to make sure she is still alive. Problem with finding woman is marriage last name changes.Thats why I say go for brother first.

  3. Try searching based on the information that you do know at and

  4. get an atterny there is nothing you can do about it online. Get more info from who ever you learned about your brother from

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