
People suffering from depression....?

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Have you ever sought help from God?

I used to be very unhappy, to the point of thinking about suicide, but things changed. What have you done to try and stop your depression and what will you do to stop it? Would you be willing to seek Christ to change your life?




  1. As far as that goes, see the dramatic healing on this web page about a minister who was extremely depressed and how he completely got over his anxiety and depression. He had already been a Christian minister serving Jesus for many years.

    What will you do to let other Christians know that they do not need to take drugs or be depressed?

  2. Unfortunately I just dont believe God interjects himself directly into our lives individually. If he did, surely he would heal that little girl with cancer at the ripe old age of seven. Oh yeah, that did happen. She was so happy to know that her long fight was going to pay off. She was looking forward to a full life of following God who had interseeded on her behalf and healed her. Then came the sad day that her temp went up to 108 degrees from the spinal infection that ravaged through her body. It was ok though, God was going to take care of this one too right? Well sort of. He brought the fever down, killed that pesky old viral infection bacteria. Then God in his infinite compassion, gave her parents the blessing of being able to take care of their daughter for the rest of her lifeless life. She will never know the joy of life ever again. If this is what seeking that Christ that changes your life is about, I am blessed to just be depressed. I think we are doing ok in trying to advance in the medicinal field and are doing great things for people in open group therapy. Also I think God is working well with the doctors and therapist that devote their everydays to helping cure this so minor in the grand scheme of things disease. I am sorry for the Butt Holeness but touchy subject. Good luck to everyone and remember there is someone who cares always. It is up to you to find who it is for you.

  3. no ******* way, religious freak.

  4. im confused???????? ...........~xoxo ally*

  5. It depends on how you go about your life and what you believe in.

    Stability is dependent on belief. If you believe in god, as far as you're concerned god loves you and will take care of you and your loved ones and protect you and cherish your life and forgive and send you to heaven, and there's other beliefs too.

    I myself am an eastern religion kind of person, mostly daoist.

    But I'm a firm believer in nature and it's surroundings and the prosperity of the people connected to the wonder of the natural world. Part of the belies in the eastern religions are Truth and Honor. So we technically have no one to seek help from but ourselves, which honestly gives me my strength to know that I am the one who will help myself get through things.

  6. are you asking or preaching ????  

  7. I am so happy to see this question on there. Christ saved my life. Literally, I was soooo depressed and in an abusive relationship. I was on the verge of suicide (actually I attempted it) and the ONLY thing that saved me was my relationship with God. I know it sucks hun. Everything sucks when you're depressed, but it WILL get better. God wants us to be happy and enjoy life. Keep your chin up!

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