
People tell me I'm stupid for being vegetarian.... opinions?

by Guest44557  |  earlier

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My friends always say that the animals will die regardless, but I just don't like the idea.




  1. Tell them to mind their own buissness. people shouldn't be pushing views on other people or telling others that their personal views are stupid- this goes for meat eaters having a go at veggies/vegans AND veggies/vegans having a pop at meat eaters for their choice of diet. So no- you're not stupid- whatever diet you choose is personal to you- so form your own opinons as well as letting others have theirs.  :)

  2. i dont mind vegetarians as long as they dont try to make me become one with them.

  3. well i am stupid then because i am a vegetarian for the past 30+. take no notice we are the most healthiest beings on the planet, we get less hear attacks etc, stick with it don't let people upset you for what you believe in.and if monkeys, apes etc are doing okay so shall we vegetarians.

  4. Tell them that they're stupid for not accepting your life choices!!!!!

    Of course animals do we eventually... : (  ha.

    But its your choice...and many others including myself...and you shouldn't let others comments try to stop how you want to live!

  5. Well.. Since when should you care about others? Do whatever you feel most comfortable with.

  6. you are not stupid.....but it is YOUR choice just like it is MY choice to eat and LOVE meat.    What I can't stand is people who say I'm a murderer and such for eating meat.  God put all food here for us to enjoy.....i don't like green veggies but i eat the mess out of corn, potatoes and beans.

    And for the real animal rights nut jobs are you killing veggies when you boil or cook them....they are alive in a sense that they grow, and put out oxogen

  7. Honestly, who cares what your friends say...

    Even if animals are going to die sooner or later, would you like to be part of their death?

    They may just be saying that because they are meat-eaters, and you aren't...

    When you think about, you aren't doing anything wrong, and trust me, you're not stupid...

    What's wrong with being a vegetarian?

  8. I am an Omnivore. I don't think you are "stupid" for being a vegetarian, in fact,  it's a healthier way to live. I don't eat as much meat as I use to, but I will always eat some meat. I understand the health benefits of a veg. diet though. don't be discouraged, if this is the way you want to go.

  9. it is not stoopid it is just a way of life as long as you get the same nutrients that you would get eating meat daily then your fine

  10. This is exactly  what people tell me when I say I'm a vegan.But when I start talking about the the conditions of these animals,they always act like they like animals don't feel that knife going into them or their beaks being chopped off.

  11. Although I've read nothing that suggests that a vegetarian diet improves your intellect, I have read reports of studies that show that vegetarians have a higher average IQ than meat-eaters. By choosing to be vegetarian you've shown an ability to see past the advertising, industry propaganda and our ill-informed society to find a diet that is healthier for you, healthier for the planet and avoids unnecessary slaughter.

    So just feel good about your decision and if people abuse you on the subject, you know that there is no winning argument for a meat diet when up against the ethically superior vegetarian diet.

  12. show them my avatar and tell them I'm a meat eater

  13. Your friends are wrong. The number of animals that are raised and slaughtered for meat depends directly on the consumer demand for meat. Going vegetarian helps to prevent animals from being bred and slaughtered.

    Ask your friends if they've heard of "supply and demand". Buying meat directly increases the number of animals that will have to suffer and die in the future.

  14. I'll not say you're stupid. It's your choice to make, and that's good enough for me.  I will say, you're sure missing out on some mighty good eating.

  15. many animals are raised to be put on our plates. i dont agree with it and dont eat meat. i also dont eat anything that meat could be in

    does that mean if she makes you mad, you can kill her??? she will die regardless as well

  16. Some friends you have there. Why bother with people who treat you like that and who quite obviously discuss your lifestyle in a derogatory way.

  17. Then don't. Do what you want,regardless of your friend's choice. It's not up to your friends to make your choices.

  18. Do what you want to do for your body.  No need to be answerable to anyone else.

    You are not "stupid".

  19. Then tell them that you just don't like the idea.  If you don't want to contribute to animal deaths, even if someone else will, that shouldn't be so hard for them to understand.  If they're being disrespectful, don't even discuss it with them, but if they're mainly curious, just explain to them how you feel.  My best friend told me I was being stupid, too.  Not surprisingly, she's not my best friend anymore (and 21 years later, I'm perfectly happy being a "stupid" veg*n.)  And now I have friends that respect my choices.

  20. I didn't like the idea of eating meat so I stopped. My friends thought I was going to far by not eating meat but I ignored them and stood for what i believe- that all animals deserve a life and they shouldn't be killed just for food when there are other food sources available.

    If animals have to give up their lives then why shouldn't we give up something?

  21. You are not stupid for being vegetarian, you are just stupid for not knowing a good comeback.  Work on that.

  22. You should read Vegan Freak and listen to their podcast.  They have a lot of good advice.  I know it can be so frustrating but the best thing to do is diffuse the situation.  Just say that you feel differently based on your research.  Then change the subject.

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