
People that Became Freshmen this year???

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so I'm starting in september 2nd but some already started their freshman for the people who became freshmen this august, how was your 1st day of school? Also how is it now? details are appreciated. Thank You! =)




  1. well i am a sophomore this year but i remeber my first day of high school. well i was terrified but i know now that it was really stupid to be scared. it was pouring down rain that morning and the bus came late. i don't have any friends that live in my neighborhood so when i got on the bus i had no idea where to sit but then i heard my name and it was 2 of my friends calling me to go sit with them. they live in a different neighborhood but rode my bus and i was sooo happy to have them their. then my bus was late for school and i was a little panicked. so i was trying to find my locker but  my locker was in the middle of nowhere in my school (and my school is BIG my grade has close to 700 people in it). i thought i was lost so i went into this classroom and asked the teacher to help (school had already started so the whole class was staring at me). but the teacher couldn't find my locker either. well i finally found it (it was right around the corner). so i got ready for first period i had 1st period study hall and it was in caf 3. i had no idea what that ment so i went to the cafeteria and sat right in the middle. apparently there are 3 study halls in the cafeteria every period. so all the teachers were calling names for the people in their class. then out of nowhere the fire alarm goes off. i didn't know what to do but i just followed everyone else. when we got out there it was still raining a little.

    the rest of the day went fine and i found friends to walk with me to my classes (even though we weren't really good friends everyone was just trying to help each other because all the frestman are in the same boat). but then after school i couldn't find my bus and i almost missed it. lol.

    but seriously i made it too big of a deal i can't remember the 2nd day or anything so i guess it was fine. but i loved my freshman year it was sooo much fun. i know its hard but try not to get too nervous because everything will be fine. everyone pretty much feels the same way.  i hope you first day goes better than mine did.

    by the way i start school tomorrow :(

  2. I start september 2nd also, best of luck

    class of 2012!

  3. i was supposed to start today "/

    but stupid storm fay gave South florida students an extra 2 days off:(

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