
People that are cruel to there animals?

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Why do they starve or beat there animals, why don't they give there unwanted animals to an animal rescue.




  1. Because the world is a very sad place, humans are selfish and cruel often, evil and sadistic in some cases.

    The same things that make people abuse the love and trust of animals are the reasons people use and abuse the trust of children.

    "Murderers very often start out by killing and torturing animals as kids."

    "The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones."

    "For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seed of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love."

    "When a man has pity on all living creatures then only is he noble."

    "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."

    "We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals."

    Mankind thinks the earth is theirs, a commodity and that humans are the only species that has a right to the use of the planet, it's resources and this includes animals. This will never change so the abuse of animals will continue. The starvation of one dog here or their is sick and evil but equal to the billions up on billions of creatures that suffer, starve and die though, intensive farming, industrial pollution, deforestation, globalisation, climate change.....the list goes on and on. Humans will always have the power to play Lord and master of the animal world, ruin the planet and still think it is okay. It's arrogant and foolhardy of us humans who have lost touch completely with our instincts to think ourselves better than animals and nature.

    Don't even try the whole gods creatures thing....the church does nothing to save the planet and "gods" creatures. The bible promotes the use and abuse of animals and states that animals are for human use. I am offended that you are using this question to twist the topic into a christian recruitment drive.

  2. Better still lock their owners away, they say that those that abuse and mistreat animals would also do so to another human, i can believe it, probably beats his wife.

  3. i know its terrible its just cuz there sick or there deppresed or someone died it could be any reason and its so sad what they do:( i wish someone could put a stop to that and they would get put in jail

  4. I'm like you I don't know why people do that, I would never treat any of my animals cruelly.

    I might guess that it's because the person feels that they have no control over their own life, so they take it out on another living creature.

  5. It's so horrible, and simply pathetic

    When you give an animal to a shelter, there is a small fee you have to pay, but big deal, it's pretty small

  6. for the same reason that people beat their kids....they are sick individuals with no sense of compassion

  7. If you would like to donate or read about a nonprofit group that educates, from a biblical perspective, about our responsibilities to care for animals check this site out.  They are unlike many other groups in their beliefs.

  8. becuz there angry takes over there body and ppl are dumb too

  9. People who starve or hurt their animals have a brain less than the animal that they own .... that's why taking unwanted animals to a rescue centre is not on their agenda.  My experience of such people is that they are 'of simple mind' and have little conception of the grief that they cause.  It is such a tragedy that such people can in fact get hold of animals in the first place.  It is because of people like these that I donate to animal welfare charities, so I feel that I am doing my bit.

  10. I'd love to tell you what I really feel about such people but it would get me yet another violation. Hate springs to mind though.

  11. Because they are nothing but scum.  They have no feelings for anyone or anything other than themselves.

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