
People that have or have had trubble with panic attacks or anxity?

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how did you over come it ?

its almost impossible for me to have my friends round or go out with them anymore and i just wont my life back on track !!

i have been liek this badly for a month now and its just horrible !!




  1. I get panic attacks and they are horrendous, I usually feel like i am too hot so I try to sit in a cool place and now I have manages to train myself to talk myself out of worrying, it is a case of mind over matter! Just try and be strong and if things dont get better you should go to see a doctor although, many doctors aren't too sympathetic with issues like this!

    good luck and hope you overcome your problem


  2. This is my first time responding to a question - so here goes. I suffered from generalized panic anxiety disorder for about 5 yrs.  If you are not already - find a counselor or therapist.  You need to have someone to talk to about what you are feeling.  You need to find out (if you don't already) what causes your panic attacks or creates your feelings of anxiety, then you have to learn how to deal with those.  Everyone is different in how they cope with the attacks.  Mine were because my soon to be ex-husband kept telling me how worthless I was and because of that I doubted myself on everything.  I would have heart palpitations, and for awhile, I truly thought I was dying. But after 2 years of counseling I realized that I was not crazy and in fact he was the cause of my attacks.  My therapist then taught me recognize the beginning of an attack and from then I learned how to handle them.  I have not taken any medicine in over 7 years and I haven't had a full blown panic attack in 5 years.  Now that is not to say that I don't get a little anxious from time to time.  That is ok. But when I do, I have to stop myself, and find out what is making me anxious and deal with it.  Just remember you are not alone and there is help out there for you. I wish all the best for you and I hope this has helped you.  

  3. Lexapro will ease the anxiety. Ask your doctor.

  4. I also suffer from panic attacks so I know exactly how you feel. I think the sooner we both get help from a professional the quicker we will get better.

    I don't really like admitting it because it is a mental illness and I worry what people will think.

    Go and see your doctor and tell him or her about it. I am seeing mine about it soon. For some reason I find it really embarrasing and I worry that my doctor will think I am crazy, but it has to be done.

    I think there are some supplements, etc. that might help. I took fish oils and magnesium once which really did seem to help.

    Good luck. You can email me if you want, just click on my profile.

  5. I started taking a certain medicine that my doctor proscribed and it made me have bad panic attacks. I passed out a couple times. I think it was an anti-depressant that I was on. I got it switched to a different brand and then weened myself off of it and now I am bad to normal. Are you on any medicines that you started taking around the time the attacks started? If not maybe you should talk to your doctor about it and maybe he will be able to put you on something to make them stop and then after a couple months once your body is back to normal you can slowly stop taking them. Good luck, I hope I helped.  

  6. Negative emotions (like sadness, stress, anger, etc.) causes your Serotonin production to be low; when your Serotonin level is low, you are more prone to getting Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Depression, etc.

    Medication like Antidepressants (SSRI - Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor) helps to boost Serotonin level.

    But there are natural ways to do it without medication. There's this strange herb called "St John's Wort" - it is said to be more effective than Prozac. No, it is not for mild depression only and ignore those sayings. In fact, it does help anxiety and panic-attacks as St John's Wort works like prozac. Other natural ways will be exercise, diet, more exposure to light, etc.

    The problem is that, even if your Serotonin is balanced... you have that "learned behavior" in your mind. You need to break that initial cycle to destroy that learned behavior - Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) does this. A technique that you can use without CBT will be Distraction... There are several other techniques to help cope them!

    Ok, to use Distraction: Firstly, try to....

    Extracted from Source.

  7. the trouble with panic attacks and feeling of anxiety usually it develops into agoraphobia you fear going out in case you have a panic attack its a vicious cycle you are not just fighting one but two, it takes awhile to control these feelings, you will have to take one step at a time, carry some lavender oil with you and inhale some when you feel an attack coming on it helps to calm you down, also keep a paper bag with you so that you can breath in and out with slow deep breaths, this will help to give you oxygen and help to slow down your heart rate.take a look at this link, you can chat to other people on here and find out how they are copping, and you may get some tips that could be useful to you, it can get better it takes time. good luck.

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