
People that joined the National Guard ?

by  |  earlier

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My Husband is wanting to join the National Guard. He took the practice ASVAB and he did great.. am all for it, even though we have very young children 22 months and 3 months.. am worried about our financial, we make around 4,000 a month. they did tell us that he wont make as much, but they said that they have programs to help the family!! any comments or info.




  1. He would benefit more if he joined Active Duty vs NG or Reserves.  He'll only make money if he goes to Drill, which is not very much at all.  Plus, he risks losing his civilian job if his unit is activated for deployment.

    Even though employers are not supposed to do this, they can and will fire someone for going to drill.  My friend was Active Duty and enlisted in the TXNG.  He ended up going through 7 jobs because of this very thing, even though he'd request NOT to be put to work on the weekends he had drill.  He ended up coming back to Active Duty about 3 months ago because of that very thing.

    Plus...on Active Duty, it's easier and faster to get rank than in the NG.

    Being a military spouse is a hard job.  There will be times in which he will be gone for long periods of time and you will essentially have to be mother and father to the kids.  I left my son when he was 4 months old, back when the rules were 4 months of non-deployability after child birth.  You've got to be very strong if he deploys because not only does he need you to be, but your kids do too....

  2. umm i am in the guard and i hate it.. i wish i wouldve stayed Active. you are at the bottom of the chain.. you basically cater to active duty. It hard to get benifits.. only if your older or been deployed. Um financial wise it isnt  a good option. you have two kids thats just like 200-300 a month. he will be drilling one weekend a month and 2 wks out the year. it isnt fun.. tell your hubby to get in Active duty. i wish i wouldve stayed in. now i have to wait because i am 3 months pregnant with my second child and it is VERY VERY hard. In the guard you still have to have a job to support your family and 200-300 isnt gonna help yall.. so take my advice and tell him to do active... Because it is very benifical and not a waste of time!

  3. the Guard is good

  4. All I can say is that when you get older, VA benefits are a God send.

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