
People that own homes and are married or having your girl/fiance living with you question...

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When you invite someone to your home,do you say my house or our house?I recently invited my friend over and I said just follow me to our house and she said'"You mean his house and laughed.I consider it both our house since I'm living there.Now if we we're ever to get divorced than It would be his home.Was she being rude?




  1. So you are married? It depends where you live whether legally if you get divorced it would be his house or not . for example in Califonia if you are married, everything is community property so it would be half yours after the divorce. But my own opinon is that whoever paid for it owns it and so thats why people take out pre nuptual agreements before marriage stating that they owned the property before so that if there is a divorce they can retain it. I doubt your friend meant anything but its good to reflect on the subject. I cannot pursue it since I do not know if you are married, if you pay him rent or half of the utilities etc.

  2. I think she is super jealous! I moved into my bf house and we call it OUR house and if someone says HIS house...WE correct them.

  3. She was being rude. Married means you own things equally. If you live there, or spend any time there right now, it is YOUR house too.

  4. technically depends who's name is on the deed/mortgage loan.  she was just being a smartass.  there's no problem in saying whose it is until legal matters come into play.

  5. Forget about it. It was their attempt to be funny.  Be more secure with your relationship.

  6. people dont think they are too oldfashioned, but yeah also depends on things

    if he own and pay the house the rent everything, and is the one who would keep it when you split apart...then legaly its his house..but your home

    if your paying your share then its also your house, if you get married without a prenop then its your house

    but yeah depends if you invested in it or have an agrement or anything, if not his house, your home

  7. Yes, sounds rude.

    Most people refer to the place where they live as thier house, even if they just rent it, live with thier parents, what have you.

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