
People that play Trumpet, What kind of Trumpet would you recommend for an intermediate player??

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People that play Trumpet, What kind of Trumpet would you recommend for an intermediate player??




  1. First, do NOT get a "off-brand" trumpet. Most repair shops refuse to repair them, and they sound horrible. Holton, Bach, Getzen, Yamaha, and Andreas Eastman make great quality instruments. Also, look into used trumpets. They're less expensive, and from my experience, they play better since they're already broke-in. And remember- play before you pay!


  3. shilke, getzen, and yamaha are great for intermediate trumpets

    they arent that expensive and are well made

    if youre looking for a deeper sound, a bach strad also serves well

    make sure you go to a good trumpet store and visit a variety of retailers

    good luck on choosing a trumpet

  4. I would recommend a bach stradivarius Bb Trumpet or  Yamaha Bb Trumpet.

    Bach's have a nice sound and come in student, intermediate, and professional models, and are more common to come across in musical insterment shops, but normally has a high price, every location is different and you would need to look into it. over here it would be about 1200-2300 dollars brand new.

    Yamaha's have the same models as of the Bach's, i personally like Yamaha trumpets because I have a Yamaha Xeno Seris Pro Trumpet. Now the price is most of the times lower than Bachs but again it is based on location where i live a brand new trumpet cost about 800-1400 dollars, my xeno was 1700 dollars.

    Both are equal in sound and looks, it is really up to your preference, and how much your willing to spend.

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