
People these days?!?

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i know this isn't a question but i am SO SICK of people claiming racism. When two african americans call each other ******* it's ok. When a white person dose it all h**l breaks loose. Same goes for white people. Two white people will call each other rednecks and if someone of a different race dose it that same thing happens. Some people look down on me because i love the rebel flag. I was born and raised in the south. IT'S HERTIAGE NOT HATE!!! African americans STILL talk c**p because whites made them slaves YEARS ago. Why are we getting punished for it?? It was a terrible thing and I'm glad it's over with because i wouldn't have my beautiful mixed nephews right now. We didn't do those nasty things that people did years ago.Another thing that gets me is when people discriminate against mixed people because there not 100% black or 100% white. Ya know it was the parents choice to have a mixed relationship and there's nothing wrong with that but why talk down on someone when they didn't have a choice in what their race would be??




  1. Well, quite unfortunately for the black culture, they have been taught by liberals and socialists to think of themselves as the victims and keep that mentality their entire life.

    As for the rebel flag, the civil war actually had little to do with the morality of slavery. It had more to do with a state's right to secede and disagree with the federal government. You see, at that point in time the government was not as controlling as it is now. There were other institutes that could stand up to it and block its plans, like the church, certain clubs, and other such things. Now things don't work like that and the government is in charge of most things and heading for a socialistic existence. There is nothing that can stop them now.

  2. i completely agree. i used to live in new york city and th situation was brought up or even down south where i live now they say that my family used theres as slaves. I'm third generation here in america! my grandfather came here with 20 dollars in his pocket from ireland and his first friend was black. how can people just assume that my great grandfather whipped there. its all different kinds of race to. even white. racism just pisses me off to no end. i hate it

  3. Yes, you are so right. My sister is black, so i have a different look on it than most people.  

  4. It takes one person to mess it up for everybody else. People like complaining just like you're doing now. It all boils down to lack of respect for one another. Race isn't the issue, but rather the tolerance of people doing thing a different way. Go find people that have the same thing in common as you do. You can even hang a pirate flag off your front lawn if you want, but don't complain when you get people upset. Because every nation must stand together and display one flag only. Ours has 50 stars on it. So if you decide to go against the majority, then don't be surprised when you get people upset.

  5. Uh, I'm black and I don't use the n word and I don't condone anyone using it.

    So does that mean that you can't call me the n word but you can call of the other people that use it the n word?


    Rae is an idiot and racist.

  6. you talking black or white...there are soo many other races out there..but anywho...when your child/parent/kin does something end up paying for it...same with crimes like slavery, hate etc. It's human nature.

  7. How are you being punished by others expressing their opinions of white folks?  Are you not expressing your opinion here where it is inappropriate?  How specifically has it held you back? What have you suffered?  Are you mad because you cannot use the "N" word?  Do you really want to use negative terms such as the infamous "N" word?  

    I suspect that when black americans use it they are using it in their own terms not in the manner the slave masters or KKK used to use it.  Therefore yes they should be allowed to use it because it doesn't come from hate when they do.  Why would a white person want to use that term anyways?  What gratification would you get from using it?  I honestly do not see any reason why a white person should use the word.  As far as the Rebel Flag goes when you say it's about heritage what specifically are you referring to?  What part of it is so important to you that you still have to display it? Instead of spewing all this hate and complaining about why, why, why you point would be better taken if you could explain why you want to use these things. I agree that the flag is part of history but most of the white folks who fly it in their yard or on their cars now days are not using it in a heritage way.  They are using it as hate.

  8. I know what you mean i just think it's human nature hate, anger, fear, and racism. it's just how everyone is and there's not much to do about it unfortunately.  

  9. tyeruyii

  10. Because people are ignorant!  You having a rebel flag is your right!  What makes me laugh is go back to the show the Jefferson's... who were a black couple with a mixed race couple living next door....  The black character called the white one "Honky" and no one got up set about that...But if the white character had called him the N word all heck would have broken lose!  Racism is an easy crutch.... And it does not matter what others think!

  11. why dont u go and ask black person about it?

  12. This is considered spam...

    Go to to make posts like this cause this isnt the site

  13. also onlt white people can call each other cracker

  14. There are a lot of people in this world with no common sense and some that just don't give one c**p about the next person. The only way anything is going to ever change even a little bit is, if every person that realized that this is not the way things should be, makes an example of themselves. If you think something is wrong, show people the right way by your actions. It will get at least one person's attention in your life time that will do the same. If everyone got one person to change the span of their life, think of how many people changed. That is that many more people closer to change in everyone. Its not going to happen overnight, but Its only going to get worse if nobody cares enough to make an example of themselves. And you are always going to have someonecriticizee you, whatever! Its just one person, its not going to matter later on what they thought! :)
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