
People think i'm turning into my friend, I'm starting to like all his music, i even talk about the same things

by Guest21329  |  earlier

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I feel to embarrassed to face my friends, cause they might mock or "analyze" me. I can be impressionable, but he unleashed something in my personality that nobody ever had. They will make me feel guilty, cause they arent all like that, but I'd feel too stupid to be around them. help? I cant be myself around them anymore.




  1. dont mind them. if they annoy you about this just tell them to **** off. growing up is about changing and you cant help if people influnence what u are into. Green Day are my favourite band and I found out about thm through my mate. infact it was her that influnenced me to listen to most of the music i like such as MCR and Fall Out Boy. if they dont like you changing or whatever then just forget them.

  2. Watch 'Single White Female'.

    Observing and copying strong traits in people is good, but not if you are dropping your own characteristics to do it.

    Another one is 'The Talented Mr Ripley'

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