
People think logically! And not just judge by scriputre. Is Jesus really God?

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so your saying, Jesus, created the universe and is all knowing?




  1. no.

  2. no

  3. In my religon (however you spell it, lol), Jesus is just some guy that somebody killed (lol, we really didn't have much to do with him). But, God is God. We think God is everywhere, everything, and that he has no human form, and to hear his (well, technichally God is genderless, but I'm just saying him)voice, would kill us. Also, God doesn'y show himself, or preform straight miracules (dead man getting up, for instance?) because that's simply not the way of the world.

  4. No, even in the original Christian mythology, Jesus is only Gd's son.  Trinity.  Father, son and spirit.

  5. A long time ago there were people in political offices warning about the wrath of god for wrong doings.

    An attempt to create social order. People payed no attention to the warnings because they could not see this so called god.

    What would be the logical thing to do? Link this invisible god to a flesh and blood man so people would be more willing to accept the concept.

    There was a man called Jesus from Nazareth who had followers in his time but he was executed then his body mysteriously disappeared. (probably moved by his followers) What a perfect scenario to take advantage of don't you think?

    religion has always been a man-made device to create social order.

  6. The scriptures say Jesus was the son of god, as are we all. Read it if you want to discuss it for pete's sake.

  7. Yes, Jesus is supposed to be God and the son of God all at the same time.

  8. God the Father is whom God is as the Creator of all things.  

    Jesus Christ is God in the flesh.  It's the persona of a man that God took to identify and relate to when He spent time on Earth with man.  

    The Holy Spirit, is God's influence on us.  For example when God prompts us to do something, it is by the Holy Spirit that God uses to communicate to us.  

    So yes, Jesus and God are one.

    Think of it this way, you are several people, but still one person.  You are a sibling, a relative, a student, an offspring, possibly an employee, a friend, maybe an enemy.  Many people, all one person.

  9. Logically, I must concede that there are things about theism that are potentially true beyond logical limitations.

    Just as God created the universe, the material world, and the laws of physics that govern our world... he also created the laws of logic by which we reason.

    God is no more bound by logic than he is by gravity.

    Logic simply cannot be used to reason about God or theism.

    Consider that logic isnt even a God-invented concept.  Perhaps its entirely man-made.

    Logic appears subjective when you consider everyones take on a single debate, societies and cultures, and the persistent failure of logic in mere social, worldly, material matters of controversy.

    Consider how logic was created to begin with.  Did God tell us how it should work? Is it in scripture? Can you logically argue that logic can be used to create and validate logic?  Does logic tangibly, objectively exist in physical reality, and not merely an abstraction?  I say 'no' to all of the above.  Then... where and how did logic originate?  I tell you where... induction, intuition, instinct, emotion, and all things credited for being subjective, irrational, and illogical.  We "feel good" about what logic does for us... and thus we conclude that logic is right!  

    We generally consider deduction to be stricter and more truth-asserting than induction or rhetoric... but is it?  Deductive logic is founded on induction and the subjective irrationality of the mind.  If anything, I could argue that rhetoric and instinct are less corrupted by what we think is "right", and more seeded, rooted, in a natural truth to the world.

    Now, consider this... Is logic universally constant? Do we really know that logic is the same here on Earth as it is in Alpha Centauri?  Or the neighboring galaxy?  Or the far corner of the universe?  Was logic the same at the beginning to the universe as it is now and as it will be at the end of the universe?  Do we really know?  Why must any universal constant be a constant?  God exists outside the universe, not bound to it, and predated it... perhaps he has a different logic that he is bound by and that he has remained consistent in; a sort of God-logic that we are incapable of understanding.

    Does that sound absurd?  What if I told you that science has discovered that on the quantum level, logic does not abide by the laws we know?  That quantum logic permits things to be contradictory.  That a particle can turn left and turn right at the same time... can be here and there at the same time.  That some universal constants might actually be variable under the right conditions.

    Does logic really hold?

    Even if it did, you would be hard-pressed to find a valid, sound argument that had no fallacies.  Even if you could conclude beyond a shadow of a doubt that logic conclusively proves that Christianity is a farce, and that the apparent inconsistencies are properly interpreted with the right logical thinking and truly are fallacious... all youve done was disprove Christianity.  Suppose you disproved every religion on the planet.  Have you disproved the concept of theistic creation?

  10. Listen logically?  Every thought you hold dear to you now, did you get them yourself or did you learn them from some teacher or book?   So where do believers in scriptures turn to if there are no other books like it that is the true and only source for their beliefs?  This is a logical question is it not?

    Logically looking at the scripture's existrence it was passed on down by history.  First the Bible but before that the Jewish scriptures.  And the source of that especially the first five books of Moses.  Who was a scholar by the way and was educated in Egypt by the Pharoah no less.  And got his early years training at home with his mother and father.   But Moses's got his records from other sources.  Abraham brought in the creation story from the Ur of the Chaldees but Abraham's faith was based on the true God.   Abraham was blessed by Melchizedek whom Jewish tradtion says was Shem the son of Noah.   For the people before the flood lived long lives.  But the people after the flood lived much shorter lives.  

    Logically if you want to look at the existence of Jesus you will find in his geneology the exisence of David, Judah, Isaac, Abraham, Shem, Noah, and all the way back to Adam, who was created by God.  That is 4,000 years of human history in the Old Testament and summarized in the New Testament.  Where do you find this kind of knowledge besides in the scriptures?

    These are just my thougthts.  If my logic is flawed then so be it.  But it is all based on what the scriptures testify about itself.  I have said nothing different from them.

    The scriptures teach that Jesus Christ was a man like we were but filled with God's Holy Spirit.  And that he was the Son of God.  And that God's wisdom and foreknowledge of who he was in the godhead was revealed to him by the Holy Spirit.   Jesus Christ was God in the flesh and God was there in Spirit and in truth when he created the universe.

    Edit.  Jesus did things that only God can do.  He commanded the storm to cease and it did.  He raised the dead.  Healed the blind, deaf, and lame.  He forgave sinners of thier sins and commanded them to go and sin no more before God.  He denounced religious leaders who were hypocrites in their faith.  He fed 5,000 with two loaves of bread and five fish.  He died on the cross unjustly so that all of mankind from Adam to the last baby born on this earth could be saved.  He said he was God.  Scriptures inspired by God before the birth of Jesus Christ were fulfilled only by Jesus and him alone.  Jesus died and was buried but arose again ater 3 days.  Jesus ascended into heaven.

    All these things occurred because Jesus is God in the flesh.

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