
People to People invited me to go on a trip to France, Greece and Italy. I need fundraising ideas.....?

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I am a 7th grader and I can't work. I know my family can't quite help with that, so I need help. I created a fundable and I have a feeling that won't rake in the 7700 dollars I need to go! I know I will have 300$ by May '09! From allowance but thats it! Any ideas would help. I only have a 100$. ppl have told me to write to buisnesses and organizations that support education, but still my deadline is May '09! Any ideas would help......I greatly appreaciate your help!




  1. do you have any c**p you can put together a yard sale with?  Any old CD's or video games you don't use that you could bring to a second hand store and sell to them?

    Can you use a lawn mower?  You could go door to door and offer to cut people's lawns for $10.  It really helps if you explain the situation. that you have an awesome opportunity and you are trying to finance it.  Some people who may have said no may now feel bad for you and let you do the job.  You could hold a car wash in your drive way, or see if you can get some friends together and see if a business would let you use their lot and have a big car wash.  I did a charity wash and in 4 hours we made $500. (we charge $10 per car).  And another $200 on the BBQ we had (with just hot dogs and sausages....we got them donated by a local business too).  Another friend had a family member donate the buns and ketchup mustard relish etc.  If you can get a few of these going that would be great.  When winter comes go door to door again and ask if you can shovel snow for a few dollars (if you are in an area that gets snow).  Umm you could offer dog walking services. (for all of these opportunities you could make flyers and put them up on community bulletin boards so people can call you if they are interested.

    Try and get creative and think about more things along this line.

    Good luck!  I hope this works out. that's an AMAZING opportunity for you.

  2. I know of a great way for you to raise cash. There is no cost for you up front. There are two options: However you can choose to do them both.

    First, you can sell gift cards for officially licensed NCAA and NASCAR merchandise. The gift cards are usually in $25 increments. For every card you sell you will receive between 15-25% of the sale. If you sell a total of 1000 cards this year that's between $3,750 and $6,250.

    Secondly, you can promote an officially licensed NFL, MLB, NCAA, NASCAR and NBA website. The company will issue your school a promotional code. The promotional code will give the customers up to 20% off their purchase and your school will receive up to a 15% discount.

    I know this program works because i have seen other people use it in the orlando area. Borne4marketing is a new company that looks to find interested retail outlets an opportunity to use word of mouth marketing. Just send them your contact information and they can set you up with a complete promotional package at no cost to you.

    Good luck with your search.  

  3. I would agree with the asking of businesses for sponsorship.

    You might also ask local stores if you can put a collection jar by their registers.

    see if your school can help, going would be a boon to your school as well and they may be able to help you.  My school had uniforms so a dress-down day was always an easy way to get money.

    we also had class competitions like pennies form heaven where the class would compete for most money per person in the class and the winning class got pizza.

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