
People to people student ambassadors? OR a trip with the family? ( HOW MUCH DID YOUR VACATION TO EUROPE COST?)

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I was planning on going to Europe with people to people student ambassadors, for 20 days, and it costs about $6500 for the trip, and $100 for the application, $300 for the protection plan, plus various clothes AND a passport! PLUS spending money, comes to OVER $8,000!!

Would it be cheaper to go with my family of 4?

Which do you think is worth it more?

*****How much did it cost you to go on vacation to another country??? (How many people? How many days?)

****** HOW MUCH DO YOU THINK IT WOULD COST MY FAMILY TO GO TO EUROPE?? 4 people, we could stay in the cheapest hotels, eat cheap food, travel to paris, versialles, the louvre, germany, etc.

ABOUT 14 days...






  1. i did that!

    i went to paris, london, caen, oxford.. i went everywhere.

    honestly, it wasnt that great, it was uncomfortable because i didnt know anyone. also, you were constantly being rushed. i would go with my family if i could do it over.

    go with the family!

  2. For traveling in western Europe these days, using the cheaper options like hostel or renting cabins or tents on campsites, you can count on 100 Euro per day per person, (about $US 150) including some amount of travel, sightseeing and eating out.

    You might be able to do it for $100 per person per day, going down to the bare basics.

    I do not know how much you would spend for the airfare, because that depends on where you fly between and when you book, but I have heard prices like $600 to $1000 from east coast USA.

    If you can book your flights for $600, for an holiday of four you can stay in Europe about two weeks at most.

    But if you can put together 10 000 you can already stay almost 3 weeks, that is if you can find a flight that cheap.

    If you have to pay more for your tickets, you can stay much shorter.

    But there is more abroad than western Europe.

    You might also choose for an cultural holiday in Mexico, staying in the smaller towns away from the coast this year, (saving a lot on airfare and lodgings compared to Europe) and keep your money till you are a little older and can come to Europe alone or with a friend who is able to bring the same kind of money.

  3. omg i went on that same trip to europe with p2p last summer. i couldnt tell you if it would cost more or less for a family of four but im guessing it would cost more. but i think you would be better going off with your family. i had a lot of fun but i didnt really know anyone that i was with. that would really be an experience if you were with your family. if i could chose between p2p and my family to go, i would definantly go with family

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