
People told me I can study HTML at home, and even gave me a book about?

by  |  earlier

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but I am starting getting CRAZY, is there any hope, any sign of life out there??? Should I pay for a course and thus have a tutor?




  1. What is so crazy, compared to BASIC or C++ or JAVA it is extremely easy to learn.

    It's just TAGS that tell the front end what to do.


    This centers the text on the page, duhh....


    All you do it take a tag and see what it does

    There are two types of tags

    Those for text

    Those for links

    <img src = "mypicture.jpg">

    Is a LINK to picture file IN the same folder or partition.


    Makes text bolder or thicker or larger


  2. I'm studying 3D animation and programming in PBASIC at home. You just need to find other programmers who can give you a push in the right direction. Try posting in the computers section.

  3. I got the book 'HTML for Dummies', and it was pretty good. I learned a lot more, however, from going to websites and going to the menu bar under 'View' and clicking 'View Source'. It will show you the code for most websites (Some are protected)

    Copy and paste that into a word program and save as a webpage. Change one thing at a time, and click 'Preview as Webpage'. People learn so much more by DOING than by reading. Really, just play around with it. Look at beginning code websites, a lot of them walk you through writing code, like this one

  4. HTML is very easy to learn on your own. Most people learn it on their own, I learn all sorts of programming languages on my own(although html is not technically a programming language, it is a scripting language).

    There are thousands of tutorials online about html, and many books too. But when learning scripting/programming/computer languages it's usually very convenient to do it online, although starting with a book is ideal if you are a beginner.

    So here is my advice, read your book, maybe get another book, read that, then read the tutorials online.

    If you want to talk to people about it register at a computer programming forum or something like that, there you can learn lots.

    PS Here is the basic structure of HTML codes. HTML code tells the browser how to show information, so you can represent everything with text to the browser. Say you wanted to show on your page, the word "tiger" in bold letters. You would type:


    and for italics you would type:


    The < and > symbols are called tags, and they wrap around text to make them look the way you want.

    You usually need a starting tag and finishing tag. The tsarting one is <> and the finishing one is </>. You put something in between, depending on what you want.

    Italics: <i> </i>

    Bold: <b> </b>

    To put in center of page: <center> </center>

    The basic format of an html document is:





    Put most info here



    Try to learn more, it is a good tutorial.

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