
People want to buy my pet cow to eat.?

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I'm a vegetarian, and I live on a farm, and my neighbor is trying to buy my pet cow.

I don't want her to be eaten, and that's what will happen if I sell her. I am short on cash, and I don't know what to do.

If my cow is taken, I may have to kill myself. I'm not joking. She is my life.





  1. Is it a dairy cow or a beef cow? If it's a beef cow, then they will eat it. If it's a dairy cow, then I doubt they'll eat it, probably just use it for milking. If you really need the money, then sell it. If it's that important to you that it stays alive, then don't. Personally, I'd recommend selling it, but that's just me.

  2. It sounds like you may need to get a second job, off of the farm...

    IF that's the case, maybe something in these articles will help you to do so:

    How to Find a Job and Keep It

    Can You Be Happy and Secure in Your Work?

    Can you think of a way to *incorporate your cow* into doing some kind of community work--possibly in the field of teaching children...? (That will pay?)

    Call some no-kill animal shelters to ask for suggestions...

  3. That is why no one (except the rich) have a cow for a pet!!! Of course she will be eaten if you sell her...eventually. People usually keep a cow until she can no longer have babies, then they eat her. If you live on a farm, is it not possible to grow her food. Cows do not have to be feed grain, grass is much better for them. (grain just adds meat and fat FAST so a cow can be butchered faster) Let her graze in the summer, and cut your own hay for her winter feeding. This should be almost free, and you'll have a healthier happier cow.

  4. Its easy then DONT sell your cow :)

    There are plenty of other ways to get money

  5. if she is a dairy cow, you could sell the milk, but just explain to your neighbour that you love the cow like they love their pet (insert pets name here)

    because cows arent the traditional kind of pet many people dont look at them in this way. but if worst comes to worst. tell your neighbour to back off!

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