
People wearing people suits?

by  |  earlier

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John's answer to someone's question about whether we'd ever seen anyone we thought might be an alien used that expression, and I think it's apt.

I was thinking through the people I'd had fleeting, or longer thoughts about in that regard, asking myself what they had it common. That was one trait they shared.

The other was the seeming disorientation without being aware they appeared that way, and the strange mistakes of language.

As though they were dropped in here with a bit of training by a trainer who hadn't been here, but learned about humanity watching old re-runs of I Love Lucy.

Have you encountered people who met this description?




  1. Well, I'm here, but I haven't found a people suit yet.  Where the h**l do you buy them from?  Can you get them toad-sized?


  2. Hang on, Jack!! I'm here!!! LOL

    I'll take a stab at this one...This person I don't want to talk about wore a black suit.  He acted different from other people.  I felt later like I had been with the devil or someone from another planet. I remember thinking that. His hometown  was a place where they have had a lot of UFO sightings. I don't really think he was an alien...but he was different. And it was like he was "examining " thoughts etc.  I've never met anyone as weird as him before. He might not be an alien..but I even wondered afterwards if he was possessed by one..or working for them. I wasn't real serious about thinking this..but I remember it crossing my mind. He was a very "cold" person...personality wise.

    (Hope you didn't delete me while I was writing this.'ll probably get a lot of answers in the morning. I always do. )

    edit..Shouldn't your question be "Aliens wearing people suits"?? More people might have answered if you'd said that! Even aliens might have answered! lol

  3. Yeah, I had a professor in college like that for statistics. Interestingly enough, you would expect some alien statiticians to be here if they are trying to gather data on us.

    I just cast him off as having a weird personality, but he was kind of like that, like he was trained with reruns of I love lucy and dropped on earth.

  4. some people are having problems viewing this question.

  5. Do you know why Aliens are here?

    Ice cream.

    Yeah I know it sounds weird.

    See in the Roswell UFO crash of July 1947 in the desert of New Mexico.

    There was one survivor.

    They didn’t know what to feed it.

    Seeing how it didn’t seem to have teeth, they gave it all types of soft food.

    Mushrooms were close to what the Alien eats.

    But the nutritional value wasn’t as high as its own native Mushrooms.

    Yeah they gave it bananas, peaches and other natural foods.

    Then one day a scientist came in with an Ice cream cone.

    The Alien couldn’t believe how good it tasted.

    It started to ask all kinds of questions.

    How can something so cold taste so good?

    Where did it come from? How was it made?

    After making a deal with the Alien(s), and giving it the secret of Ice cream.

    We started to have cow mutilations.

    Yeah guess what year they started? Huh? Huh?

    That’s right 1947! The same year the UFO crashed!

    Cow mutilations, a phenomena that first started in Santa Fe county in 1947 has now spread through out the western USA.

    Coincidence? I think not!

    Yes they need cow utters to make milk.

    Since they don’t have a biological need for …well, ****.

    They need to genetically engineer them.

    See I solved the mystery of the 21st century.

    Their favorite Ice cream is Häagen-Dazs.

    This also explains crop circles.

    Yes, crop circles.

    Well one of the main ingredients in Häagen-Dazs is corn syrup.

    Huh, huh see the pattern now don’t ya?

    They are marking their turf if you will.

    It’s nothing more than cosmic Graffiti.

    Now you’re probably wondering why people or being TAKEN.

    Well Aliens are lactose intolerant, and people (most people) aren’t.

    They need to understand why people aren’t.

    Thinking that the digestive track maybe the key to their plight, anal probes were introduced.

    After failing, to figure out the mechanism involved in the ability to digest lactose.

    Their new goal went into the genetic research of human anatomy, and more anal probing.

    Cross breeding is the next step, although no one has seen one of these hybrids.

    It is believed that people, who buy ice cream and mushrooms at the same time, are Aliens.

    That’s right, so keep a look out for these half breeds.

    I must caution you on asking them if they are half alien, they will trick you.

    What ever you do just believe they’re normal, the consequences could be life threatening, and more anal probing.

  6. Good question, the fictional character of "Borat" would probably fit in that regard. I recently saw something on Youtube that claimed to "out" Reptillian alien hybrids (most of which were in positions of power) with some connection to the illuminati.

    Jack it's probably not your imagination, there are strange enough people around the world who could fail at appearing human no matter how hard they tried.

    Lets just hope they don't burst through their host body looking like bugs.

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