
People who are or have been a waiter/waitress....?

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Have you ever talked to someone you waited on (like saying How is everything etc.) and the people talk amungst themselves and you ask "what did you say?" or said something to them? If you dont understand my question lemme give you a few things is did as examples

Once i waited on a guy...only him...and i gave him his food and said can i get you anything else?and he said no...i started to walk away and he said something and i came back to his table and said "im sorry what did you say?" and he didnt say anything or look at me and i asked again he said Im on the phone (he has a headset in)

and once i put food on a table and the family was talking but not to me and they said "I cant believe Jamie Lynn Spears is Pregnant" and i said " I know what is she thinking?" and i said more like "she had a good reputation until now" and they looked at me funny and i realized they werent talking to me ( i didnt think about it) and laughed and said sorry.

Thats what i mean...Has it happend to u?




  1. In  my experience as a server, adding to their conversation w/out being invited is just not a good thing. ( imposing, or interupting. ) It could even be reflected in your tip.( negitively )

  2. Years ago I waitressed at the Denver Country Club one summer between real jobs. I waited on a group of ladies who play tennis and lunch. They were all talking about their favorite hairdresser. I had started going to him years before when he was working at another salon. He had opened his own salon and was by then considered one of the best in town. So I was forced to say, "Isn't Peter wonderful? I have been going to him for years!" The looks on their faces were pretty funny.

  3. Oh, no kidding, like we're not supposed to eavesdrop. I walk into hundreds of conversations a day. Sometimes I laugh out loud. The other day I got a recipe for roasted sweet potatoes.

  4. Yes- I worked as a waitress when I was in grad school at a pretty chic place over the lunch hour.  Most people that ate there were attending business meetings and wanted their plates cleared away ASAP.  Well, I removed a plate from one gentleman who said that he was not trying to insinuate that I was uncultured or uneducated but that you never remove one person's plate from the table when another is still eating.  He told me that his wife would have slapped my hands.  I ate my comment because I really needed the job and the money.  It really is sad how the general public automatically assumes things about you based upon your job.  I feel for you.

  5. Yes and it shouldnt be a problem, I mean what is wrong with a little conversation especially if its juicy lol....I hate when people get all stuck up about dumb things like its top secret information when it could of been something on the news last night they were discussing and you wanted to add your opinion! You just have to deal with those type of people and move on and hope you get ones that do appreciate your comments :)

  6. It happens to me all the time. I sometimes say things that I shouldn't, but I just laugh and walk away.

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