
People who claim to be skeptics in mind power, Are you skeptic or closed minded? find out here and surprise!?

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2 questions, Has anyone proven power of mind is real in a totally confirmed and accepted matter? Answer:No, and if they have most of the world is yet to know it, Has anyone prove mind power to be a fake in a totally confirmed and accepted matter? Anwer: No, and if they have most of the world is yet to see it. Now skeptics are u skeptics or closed minded, to answer that questions let see what is the skeptic main base "Show me and I will believe" so no one has showed u and so u dont believe now lets see how a closed minded thinks "NO,NO, is fake, bullcrap!, u are crazy!, stop reading comics u are stupid for believing in that" now he we have this, if the skeptic need proof then u cant call FAKE this in affirmation because as it has not been showed PK to be false then u cant believe 100% is false as no one has showed u so a skeptic in this matter must wait with the open mind as science drop the final result excpecting both posibilities. So answer yourself are u open mind or a skeptic?.




  1. You seem to be getting at the concept of "burden of proof" and when it applies. If I read you correctly, I think I agree with what you are saying. Someone who says "show me the evidence and I will believe" does not bear any burden of proof for doubting or disproving others' claims. However, someone who presents the argument, "your claims are fraudulent", does bear the burden of proof since it is a positive claim and that does require supporting evidence.

    Just to be clear, "burden of proof" is somewhat of a misnomer in science. You can prove a hypothesis is incorrect (if it fails to be predictive, how would it be correct?) but it's logically impossible to prove that a hypothesis is true (perhaps there's another explanation that is just as likely to produce the same observations). So positive scientific results are based not on proof but on evidence and probability.

    I'm an open-minded skeptic :)  Skeptics don't ask for proof, only evidence.

  2. Mental powers have been scientifically tested independently and by the various government agencies of the world. If there were real proof positive of something "paranormal" that information would be classified at least in military terms or shrugged away as a failure because the ratio of success was too broad and only followed normal statistical chance.  

    Draw your own conclusions - remember the only way to really hide something is to do it in plain sight.  If you do research you will find answers that you will agree upon and answers that you don't.

  3. I am open-minded to any claim made.  However, as the clock begins to tick I must measure the claim with what I know is possible.  I then weigh it with what I know to be probable or logical.  If the claim fails both of those tests I examine the evidence in an effort to learn how it works.  If there *is* no evidence then I must ask why the claim is being made and what is motivating the one making the claim.  I have to wonder why a claim would be made that has no supporting evidence.  I would await such evidence before making my final decision.  However, since the burden of proof is on the claimant, I am quite comfortable going about my life as if the claimed phenomenon did not exist.  Of course I would reevaluate the claim should any evidence surface.

    Are you closed minded to the possibility that PK *doesn't* exist?  It works both ways you know.

  4. I think that the ONLY ones who can say if something is true or real is someone who has experienced it for themselves. All the others..the skeptics...the believers without experiences for themselves should just say IDK!!!

  5. I think the really intelligent skeptics add a lot to the examination and thinking about many subjects, but there are also skeptics who are simply negative. It almost seems like an obsession sometimes. Why berate everything that's said about something? If you don't believe a word of it, fine. If something hadn't happened to convince me, I wouldn't believe it either. But I can't see myself watching for signs of belief and jumping all over them when I saw them. What's the point of that? OK! We get it. Some don't believe. I respect that, but why get obsessed with it? Some of us have experienced things that leave us no choice but to believe! Excuse us!

  6. I'm  open-minded and skeptically inclined.

  7. OK, that was kinda hard to follow.  Especially that second-to-last sentence.  I guess what I'm going to say is that skeptics usually have an open mind, in that we've come to a conclusion based on the evidence presented, but we're willing to change our minds if new evidence comes up.  But since I've never seen evidence of psychokinesis, I don't think it's unreasonable for me to conclude that it doesn't exist.

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