
People who don't believe in Jesus, answer me please!?

by Guest64040  |  earlier

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Some of you even claim that Jesus even never existed. If so, tell me, on what basis is the human history made in two parts, which are BC and AD? What do these terms BC and AD stand for. No foolish answers please!




  1. Because we use the Gregorian calender...a calender created BY A FRIGGEN POPE!!!

    learn your history

  2. Your logic is sadly mistaken.

    We use arabic numerals 1, 2, 3, etc.  What is the basis of this?  Does this mean we are all arabs?  

    The calendar is a man-made convention.  As such, beliefs in gods sometimes get incorporated.  Ask yourself why we have the Roman gods names for our planets?  Does this mean the Roman pantheon is real?

    You need to think more critically.

  3. The abbreviations stand, of course, for "before Christ" and "in the year of our lord."  Which is not proof, or even evidence, of anything at all beyond what Constantine decided would help in his rule.  The terms BC and AD are now obsolete; the proper terminology is CE and BCE, for "before common era" and "common era", respectively.

  4. The calendar was invented in the 16th century.  The date of Jesus's possible birth was estimated.

  5. Such is the taint of Christian mythology over the whole d**n world, constantly trying to drag us back into the crusades, the inquisition and the dark ages.

    We in the EFL industry are gradually replacing BC and AD with BCE and CE (Before Common Era and Common Era respectively). Makes it a lot clearer that we need to shed our misplaced tolerance of religious nutjobs.

  6. The current year, 2008, and the designations BC (BCE) and AD (CE) are conventions established in Europe long ago by people who DID believe the Jesus Christ the Nazarene (sp?) existed and was seminal to their religion.  Those who do not so believe NOW are still welcome to use the conventions.  Non-european cultures do indeed have a different year counting conventions.  

    Another example is week days.  Even people who are not Pagans still refer to "Woden's Day" (Wednesday), "Thor's Day" (Thursday), and Freya's Day (Friday).  Saying these names does not mean that you are Pagan; just that you are using pagan conventions.  

    Events in history change the way we do things and the ways we talk.  The way things are now come from the ways of our ancestors.  But we are not them.

  7. What's your point?

    I don't believe in the Roman Gods either, but I still refer to the mythology-based names given to the planets of our solar system.

  8. BC- before Christ

    AD- Anno domini - Latin for year of our Lord

    Better to use BCE- Before Common Era and CE- Common Era.

  9. Before Christ

    Anno Domini

    Now we use BCE and CE

  10. I use BCE and CE, and so do most contemporary scholars.

    Today is the 2nd of Elul, 5768.

  11. Jesus wasn't even born or didn't even die in 0 AD.

    It was estimated he was born around 3 or 4 AD.

    So it would be irrelevant anyway, even if Jesus did exist.

  12. You do realize not all of humanity uses this calendar, right?

  13. Ask a foolish question...

  14. your brainwashed!!!!!!!!!

  15. It was adopted by the early christian church to denote an event.  Notice that we now have BCE - Before common era.  And don't deny Jesus existed.  What I deny is his divinity.  

  16. Lol.

    Why do we have Christmas?

    For the same reason dummies actually thought he existed.

    They do have the power to change things for EVERYONE.

    Just like the "In god we trust" on our money.  

  17. Intelligent people no longer use those antiquated terms.  It's CE and BCE.

    And read answer #1 again.

  18. Before Christ  Anno Domini

    Ever wonder why one is in English and the other latin?  Don`t be so bold to assume that this is the  chronological dividing line for "human history"  For example, the Japanese date everything by the reign of an Emperor, not Christ.  Chinese and other Eastern cultures date differently also.  No foolish answers?  No foolish questions,please.

  19. Since you received correct information on the BC/AD question, I'd like to respond to your statement "Some of you even claim that Jesus even never existed".  People who don't believe in your jesus generally don't believe he existed.  

  20. You mean BCE and CE?

    They stand for "Before Common Era, and Common Era"

    WTH is BC and AD??? o_O

  21. You see...all that says is that later on believers made it that way.  It really provides no evidence at all the original story was true.

    The Greeks based several things on Zeus.  See how that works now?

  22. Time doesn't quite really exist outside our own heads and concept of it. And BC and AD are a form of measurement of  it... So you have lost me as to where this comes in in trying to prove Jesus existed.

  23. Sooo... since the planets and months of the year are also from religious terms (dead religions - so we call them mythology now), we should believe those are true as well? I'm confused by your "logic"

  24. these terms before christ and in the year of our lord, are not evidence of his existence, they were made by assuming he existed

    and when you assume  you make an "@ss" out "u" and "me"

  25. "Though the Anno Domini dating system was devised in 525, it was not until the 8th century that the system began to be adopted in Western Europe. Even popes continued to date documents according to regnal years, and usage of AD only gradually became more common in Europe from the 11th to the 14th centuries. ... During the first six centuries of what would come to be known as the Christian era, European countries used various systems to count years. Systems in use included consular dating, imperial regnal year dating, and Creation dating. .... Although the last non-imperial consul, Basilius, was appointed in 541 by Emperor Justinian I, later emperors through Constans II (641–668) were appointed consuls on the first January 1 after their accession. All of these emperors, except Justinian, used imperial postconsular years for all of the years of their reign alongside their regnal years.  Long unused, this practice was not formally abolished until 888. ... The Anno Domini system was devised by a monk named Dionysius Exiguus (born in Scythia Minor) in Rome in 525. In his Easter table Dionysius equates the year AD 532 with the regnal year 284 of Emperor Diocletian. In Argumentum I attached to this table he equates the year AD 525 with the consulate of Probus Junior. He thus implies that Jesus' Incarnation occurred 525 years earlier, without stating the specific year during which his birth or conception occurred."

    From the Wikpedia entry, "Anno Domini"

  26. I believe in God but they are changing it in all the text books to BCE and ACE  which means Before the Common Era and After the Common Era.

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