
People who don't believe in the paranormal, ghosts, spirits etc.. Do you still find the ideas a bit scary?

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I've noticed that even though I don't believe in any sort of afterlife, ghosts spirits demons and so forth- that the idea can still be frightening.

Someone just posted that you had to say 'Yokeless' to summon a demon - and a little corner of myself was scared that it could happen.

Anyway - I have said 'Yokeless' out loud several times- now more worried not about my family thinking I am nuts than demons.




  1. Nah, more silly than anything else.  I love a good scary movie or book, but that's just fiction.  When I hear weird noises at night, I don't cower in bed assuming it's a demon.  I get up and check and turn off the faucet or close the window.

  2. Fear of the unknown is perfectly natural.  Who wouldn't be afraid of something like spiritual entities from the afterlife (if they did in fact exist)?  The only way to dispel such a fear would be to understand them through study.  How many things can you think of that used to be feared until we learned more about them?

  3. Any invocation will only have as much power as you give it.

    This is why little girls sitting around a camp fire can scare the wits out of each other. It is easy to be frightened about things you have not knowledge about, that seems to be the history of man.

    Gaining knowledge and thus mastery of your fears would help to eliminate the spookiness.

  4. There is something that speaks to the Human Experiance in dealing with fear and the unknown...really, its very hard to completely block it out, and I don't think its possible to mentally stop yourself from being afraid of the unknown (paranormal possibility) even if you rationalize the whole entire world like skeptics do.

    I guess its a big universal "What if...", and that can just throw anyone on a tangent that can end up pretty scary.

  5. Peter D is right. Fear of the unknown is natural and human.  

    Anyone with a sense of scientific inquiry knows that there are lot of things that we human beings do not know.   For example,  not too long ago in human history, people did not know about electricity.   If you study the history of science, you will see that there were many times that people had a mistaken idea about what and why something was.   I think that we at this time in history are also mistaken about some things, but that with time more and more will be understood.

    As for demons, I do not know.   Perhaps they are constructs of the human mind.

    Read the Tibetan Book of the Dead and you will read about demons and other experiences.

  6. For instance-- these 'thumbs up' or 'down' thingies just appear like magic when no one is looking! Don't tell me you've SEEN them appear, now. I don't believe it!

  7. dunno if u say bloody mary 1000 times she comes and haunts u for the resto of ur life

  8. No, I personally don't, since I really harbor no belief in such things. That's not to say that it can't be scary walking in the dark or going to a Halloween fun house, but the scares there are not paranormal related.  LOL about Yokeless  :)

  9. Not scary, so much as fansinating... I love learning about that stuff even though I don't belive a word of it...

  10. Funny, I dont think a random word can summon demons. But I do believe that if you call for evil spirits they will come.

    Maybe you're a tad nuts, but I won't tell anyone.

  11. I'm not scared of anything that dosen't exist.

  12. No. If there is a spirit world they know all about me, but I don't know anything about them.

  13. Go to your bathroom and turn out all the lights and chant the name Biggie Smalls in your mirror three times.

    But to be serious, yes, the idea can be frightening.  Maybe I shouldn't answer, because I am a believer, and for good reason.  But the thought of being haunted by a force that is non-corporeal can be very frightening.  It's just one of those natural human fears some have.  Spiders, deep waters, the dark.....

    I read that guy's question about Paranormal State dumbing down America.  Don't give too much thought to what he said, he was just ranting because he has a bone to pick when with them, and he was only stating his beliefs.  Every culture is different; personally I have a very close Jewish friend, and he is very faithful, however, he doesn't believe the things some hassids (equivalent to evangelical Christians) believe, and you know what?  It doesn't matter.  For example, the naming thing, think about it.  Would a demon really care what language you use?  Its goals are evil, not semantic.

    And just to clarify for the other answerers, Y------s is not a random word, it's Hebrew: בְּלִיַּ֫עַל  The name of the demon Belial.

  14. No, these things do not scare me. I laughed about tthe yokeless thing. Nothing happened because it s the same as going tnto a room and turning out the lights and looking in a mirror and saying bloody Mary several times. Nothing happens but the person spooks themselves.

    I do not the the stats either, but serial killers are not that comman fortunately.

  15. Maybe at one time it was.I used to seek out scary situations.If I heard of something spooky You couldn't get me there fast enough.I've spent nights in caves,forests(the New Jersey Pine Barrens,very,very haunted)houses.So many cemetery's I lost count.While I never really expected anything.You're right there was that notion in the back of my head.Now it doesn't occur to me.There are no such things as ghosts.It's silly superstition.It surprises me that so many adults can take the nonsense seriously.

       By the way in the old days I wasn't just looking for ghosts.Spooky places are great for bringing girls.

    I tried the "yokeless thing myself".My son ran down stairs to give me the Heimlich maneuver.

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