
People who fish well........?

by Guest62645  |  earlier

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How do I figure out at what depth the bass are feeding? What live bait besides nightcrawlers should I use? Where to find them? What lures? Help!




  1. bass eat almost anything that is rubber. like the small fish you get at walmart or the rubber ones. the eat other fish. sometimes when you kick over rocks you find theese bugs called huggermites. you have to pinch thier neck to catch them but i catch alot of bass with them. anydepth works the eat what looks like its swimming so use a bobber

  2. well personaly the bait i found that every fish like is fresh polish sausage. last time i used it i caught 11 fishall within minutes of eachother

  3. i use chicken for bait.

    The fish love it!! And when i go fishing i just go out in my boat and drop down my line that has chicken on it (cooked chicken) and i always get a fish with in about 30 seconds.

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