
People who gave birth before due date?

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how many weeks were you? did the baby survive? were they in nicu




  1. I had my son at barely 35 weeks via c-section due to him being breech and me having pre-eclampsia.

    He weighed 4lbs 15.6oz & was 17 inches long. He had no problems whatsoever, was not in the NICU and went home the same day as i did.

    Now he is 7 years old ~Happy & Healthy~

  2. I gave birth on May 6th and my due datr was May 18th. I was 38 weeks and my baby was 7lbs 12oz, very big and healthy.

  3. I had my daughter at 35 weeks due to placental abruption.  She went to the NICU for about an hour for monitoring but was just fine and came home with me after 2 days.

  4. i was 36 weeks. baby weighed almost 7 lbs. she was healthy as can be. we got to go home a 1/2 day early. she is now 3.

  5. My nephew was delivered a month early by c-section, my sister was too small to carry him anymore, she only weighed 97 lbs when she got pregnant and tha doctor said the father had to be a giant ( we will never know, she was raped and the guy was never caught) he was fine he weighed 10 lb 11 1/2 oz a month early they did all the ultrasounds and of course she knew exactly when she got pregnant because she was a virgin when she was attacked, they had to monitor him for a few days but he is now 20 and a huge hulking guy but I still love him. My next to the youngest one was a month early because the doctor asked me if I was sure about my dates and even though I was they waited until the night before my scheduled c-section to tell me that according to the ultrasound that I had done 2 months earlier that I wasn't as far along as the dates indicated but since everything was already to go there was nothing we could do even though they set the c-section date after we had the ultrasound, she was fine, no problems with her, she is four now.

  6. I was induced at 38 weeks, he was 7lbs 13 oz, no nicu

  7. 37 weeks 4 days

    yes he survived. and is doing awesomely

    no nicu visit for him

    he is 10 months old and absolutly amazing!!

  8. I had two of mine at 36 weeks and they were both fine. They were in special care for a day with slight breathing and problems keeping warm, but apart from that all was well.

    My other was born at 38 weeks and 3 days, perfectly fine.

  9. My brother and sister and I were all born a couple weeks early, all between 6-7 pounds and all healthy. Went home on time with mom.

  10. 37 weeks exactly.

    a baby is considered term from 37 weeks on.

    most often a baby will survive with minimal problems from 34 weeks on, although they will go to NICU. 32 weeks and up pretty much is ok too....obviously the longer the better up until about 41 weeks.  

  11. 38 weeks 13 day's early he's great

  12. 37 weeks 6 days.  Baby was completely fine and very healthy.  Scheduled C Section due to high blood pressure and low amniotic fluid.

  13. well lets see I will start with my oldest

    Brandy(age 10 1/2 now) born 36 weeks gestation alive and well spent no time in nicu

    Haley(age 8 now) born 32 weeks gestation alive and well spent 3 weeks in nicu

    William(deceased) born 22 weeks gestation lived for 2 hours

    Hunter(age 5 now) born 26 1/2 weeks gestation alive and well spent 3 1/2 months in the nicu

    Ethan( age 3 now) born 31 weeks gestation alive and well spent 6 weeks in the nicu

  14. I delivered my second daughter at 27 weeks. She weighed 2 lbs. at birth, had some complications, but recovered and survived. She was in the NICU for a month and 2 weeks. They told me she would be there until her due date but she came home a month before. She weighed 4 lbs. 3 oz. when she was discharged from the hospital.

    She is now 9 and doing great.

    My other 2 children were each born a month early and are well.

  15. One of my family friends had quadruplets.....and they were born at 23 weeks......they all spent months in the nicu but they are 2 now and they are all healthy for premies----(still a bit behind their age group but that is expected) except for one who lost most of her sight and a few other problems....but they are all sweet little boys and girls

  16. i gave birth at 36 weeks. a full month before my due date. yes she survived and is now 6 weeks old and almost 10 lbs.  

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