
People who go to homeschool?

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is this bad for people or not. Like will it make you a social outcast and deprive you of knowledge. Because i've been doing it for almost a year and my teacher says i'm doing excellent but i feel like i'm not doing squat.




  1. What do you mean by "go to homeschool"? I've been homeschooled all through highschool and generally that means you DON'T go to a school. You do your work at home, online, or in the community (or a combination of the lot).

    In answer to your question, no, homeschooling does not make you a social outcast unless you purposely isolate yourself from other people. Well rounded homeschoolers (and there are a lot of them) spend a great majority of their time interacting with other people. Traditional schools are not the only place where you can experience social stimulation, nor are they the only places where you can learn to deal with bullies, diversity, and differences in opinion. Homeschoolers tend to have a lot more free time than public schoolers because they have the freedom to work at their own pace and with flexible hours. I personally exceed the standard six to xeven hour work load of my public school peers in a mere four hours tops, and the rest of that time is put towards volunteering, art classes at the community center, music lessons in two instruments, band practice, fencing club, computer club, homeschool group events, and generally spending time with friends outside of structured activity. All of this as well as learning real life skills like cooking, budgeting, paying bills, handling affairs/appointments, exploring options for college, gaining work experience, and many other things that a lot of teenagers still rely on their parents or guidance councilors for.

    If your teachers tell you you're doing very well, but you don't feel like you're doing anything at all than maybe the work is too easy for you. As a homeschooler you have the freedom to work at your own pace and your own level of dificulty (unless you're in an online school or some state funded program). See about testing out of what you're doing now and moving ahead to something more challenging. I did that in English in 9th grade and by the end of 10th I was doing 12th grade English. As long as you can prove you know the work you're doing now, why not move ahead?

  2. bad for people/ HOW SO?   smarter are homeschoolers not dummer and social outcast  man do you live in a closet. well then. come now you must be doing good or you would know! what is it with people and home schooling gee whiz I guess public school kids are sooo much smarter and better?nooo thats why we homeschool

  3. I am homescholed and NO you do not get Socially Deprived! Or Lack Knowledge!

  4. If you decide to live your life like a social outcast, you will be a social outcast. It doesn't matter whether you are homeschooled, private school or public schooled. If you don't want to be a social outcast, then make sure you aren't one.

    As for your work... it doesn't sound like you are doing normal homeschooling. Most people don't have a "teacher" other than their parents. If you don't feel challenged with the program, ask your parents if something else can be found or unschool yourself the rest of the time.

  5. No way! Get involved in activities and volunteer.

  6. Well, it all depends on three things: 1.)Is the program you are following academically sound? 2.) are you involved in extracurricular activities that will give you the chance to meet people? 3.) you must be motivated to make sure that you are keeping up socially and academically. If you feel that you aren't really doing anything academically, ask your teacher if you can take some standardized tests to see where you measure up.

    Good luck

  7. Hi, I can kind of understand your thoughts. I have social anxiety disorder, so it probably isn't the best thing in the world for me on that standopint. But, I couldn't go to school anymore, so online school is awesome. I am glad that your teachers told you that you are doing good. You shouldn't be ashamed of homeschool. Homeschools exceed the national average on the SAT's, etc. If you want to feel like sh*t, feel like it, but I dont really think there is a reason as long as you are liking your life...

  8. My son learns at home.  His stepfather and I are his teachers.  It is good for him.  He did not learn in public school.  The teachers in public school continually told us that he did well if they taught him one on one, a peer helper taught  him, or if he was in a small group.  Since he learns best this way, we decided to teach him efficiently and eliminate the classroom distractions.

    He is a very social person.  He stays busy after learning time by being on the phone, online, playing sports, and being with friends and neighbors.

    I would think that if you think you are not doing 'squat', that you should take responsibility and go beyond what your school requires.  Pick up a book and read.  Study things that interest you.

    That's the beauty of homeschool.

  9. You either ARE or ARE NOT a social outcast.

    Can you walk up to someone in a mall and say HI, how are you, would you like to go to a movie with me.

    If you can't do that in the REAL world you can't do that in school for some muscle bound JOCK will BEAT you up for even talking to his girl or some GIRL will make you bleed for evening talking to some guy she has.

    That is REALITY

    As for what you do in work end, 40% of American does NOT graduate brick High School.  That's a report out today on Yahoo.

    Of those 6 out or 10 who DO graduate only 1 out of those 6 will finish college

    8 out of 10 finish homeschool and of them 1 out of 5 finish college.

    If you are doing the work you will do ok.  If you sluff off you will NOT.  

    It's that simple.

    If you are a boy and haven't got the courage to talk to a girl at the mall, you can't talk to her at school either.

    It's about YOU and YOUR stuff.

    You either got it or you don't.

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