
People who has special ed high school diploma can be able to enter a college?

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my daughter has a special ed diploma and she wants to be an RN can she become one?




  1. you must indicating your special and different talent or skill on relevant faculty of college you will study. making image such smart student. look for more information such on METNIC

  2. I am not sure what a special ed. diploma is.

    Typically your child can get a high school diploma or a certificate of completion. You can enter a community college with either, but need a "diploma" not a certificate for a 4 year college. You can go to junior college first and get your pre-requisites and then try a 4 year college though.

  3. It depends on her disability.  I've had LD and ADHD students who were hard working who were able to go to college and do very well.  They had to take a smaller schedule to give more time to work but have graduated.   I've had the same who were some of my smartest but lazy and flunked out.  If your daughter is MR, college isn't much of an option.  There are no modifications in college. I would recommend starting at a junior college and going from there.  If there is a good technology school nearby, it is a good choice.  The state I live in (Oklahoma) has a wonderful vo-tech system.  I'm not familiar with other states. You must now be in OK since all our kids get the same diploma.  It doesn't seem legal to give separate diplomas for special ed.  It actually makes me angry to hear about it.

  4. In my state, Indiana, we have something called Core 40 classes. These are classes that students who plan on going to college must take and pass. My son with AS is on the Honors Core 40 track so he is expecting to get a diploma when he graduates. If a student gets a certificate instead of a diploma they cannot go to college. When students enter high school, especially special needs students, it needs to be made clear to them which track they are on. It is often too late when they are seniors if they have chosen the wrong track.

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