
People who hates Bush: Why do you dislike our Prez?

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Why do you dslike President Bush? Is it 1 specific thing? A lot of things? Because someone else told you not to like him?




  1. Iraq

  2. I voted for him in 2001.  I was disappointed by his lack of tact during the election stuff, but I was completely behind him until the Iraq War.  He was wrong about what Iraq had and completely misjudged the reaction of the Iraqis and the world to our actions.  We could have won in Afghanistan years ago had we not jumped into Iraq.

    His energy policy has set the stage for the high food and gas prices. His economic policies and atmosphere of profit at all costs has allowed the housing crisis.  His education policy is turning out poorly-educated children (I have three kids in school now, and No Child Left Behind is a failure).

    You can blame his advisors for any of this, but it was his judgment and policies that allowed all of this to happen.  He is the man at the helm who appointed those advisors and listened to them.

  3. Because he has hair. BALD is the way to go, damnit.

  4. There's lots of reasons the War in Iraq is the wrong theater (we went to war with the wrong people!),  he cut Taxes but not spending that's just irresponsible, he got caught with the warrentless wiretaps that's just incompetence, and lots more.

    And that's coming from a conservative.

  5. What a Stupid question!!! I hate him just a little bit more every time I pull up to the gas pump, or go to buy groceries, or hear about another food poisoning incident, or another soldier dying needlessly in Iraq, or I think about who's listening in on my telephone conversations or reading my e-mails, the list just goes on and on and on!!! I have been pushing for three years now for congress to file articles of Impeachment against both him and d**k Cheney, but they do not have the gonads to do it!!! Trust Me; I'm no fan of the Democrats either but I'll take them over the Republicans any day.

  6. Because he is an incompetent, a lier, a deceiver, a failure, the list is almost endless in the Negatives.

  7. Unemployment is nearly non existant

    Inflation is stable

    GDP continues to grow

    Interest rates are low

    Military is well funded

    We have the 14th cheapest gas in the world (4th if you take out OPEC countries)

    Investments markets are doing well

  8. The reason that I dislike George W Bush is because he is thick. He talks about how people in America need to improve their English but appears to be illiterate himself - he also waffles on a lot.

    If that's not bad enough he sent loads of soldiers to war and many died just so he could have some oil which will inevitably run out anyway rather than finding sustainable sources.

    I also believe he was responsible for 9/11 because its strange that a plane would be allowed to fly so low down without being shot at.

    Does that answer your question?

  9. cause he one son of a ***** who deserves  to deserves to get shot, killed, and stabbed 2 death

  10. Dubya just doesn't have it when it comes to foreplay. Get it?

    Bush lead a very irresponsible administration by running up huge debts and not showing the people what they will have to pay. If the War Hawks wanted a military deployment, well then he could have taxed the people accordingly. Bush might have set us up strategically, but he made a monkey out of a former superpower. A weak dollar with massive bills coming due is suicide.

  11. His politics. He is on the right of the political scale and i am on the left. simple as that really, along with his lack of understanding and gravity of situations.

  12. I don't really hate him.  I am just disappointed.

  13. Honey, I don'thave that kind of time to explain this.

  14. He used the word "crusade" to describe the war on terror.  That, to me, showed an inexcusable lack of forethought for a President.

  15. I dont mind him really

  16. OK, Here's just one reason out of many:

    He lied to us about Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq because he and his dishonest group of thugs wanted to invade Iraq no matter what. So, instead of staying strong in Afghanistan, we reduced the troops there and went to iraq instead.

    He's never got Osama yet, and he won't with most of our troops in Iraq

  17. Let's see...

    He is a liar.  Sure, every president has lied at one time or another, but not all of them have told lies that have cost lives on this scale.

    He has demonstrated a continued willingness to disregard the Constitution of the United States of America whenever it suits him.

    He appeals to people's deep rooted prejudices against differing religion and sexual orientations, in an effort to divert attention from the fact that this country's economy is in the crapper and could very well collapse in the next decade.

    That's what I have in five seconds.  I'm from Texas and I approve this message.

  18. Because he can't read! I find a hard time getting ovr the fact that he can't even talk right, so everything else thats comes out of him, I ignore!***

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