
People who have a chinchilla or have owned one?

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What do yu like about chinchillas? What do yu hate about them?




  1. i love chinchilla's because they are so cudly. mine was had so much energy that she would climb out of her cage every time i opened it....

    i dont hate anything about them

  2. I love how smart and intelligent they are. I love their personalities, because they are all very different. I love the bond my two males share, and I love watching them sleep, because they often use the other one as a pillow. I love their soft fur and their bright eyes. I love the bond I share with them, and how much they trust me. I love watching them run. I love watching them do stupid things, such as falling off a ledge or running into a wall, because I know they're okay.

    I don't like that they chew on everything I own. They're ruined my dresser and a poster. I don't like that they p**p on everything.

    There isn't much I don't like, but these things are deffinatley out weighed by all the things I do love about them. I can't imagine life without my boys.

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