
People who have been through or are in high school only plz!!!?

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ok So I am sooo nervous about next year i am going to be a freshman in highschool and I am sooo wrried about like relationships and school work and teahcers and being in classes with people who are in classes ahead of my like my advanced mathclass and my history class please help I am really frekaing out!!!!




  1. i am about to be a junior [11th grade] and trust me. it is NOT as bad as it seems! relationships are not as big of a deal as every one makes it look like on tv. school work is semi harder but nothing terrible. teachers are the same as middle school, just they expect you to be more mature. classses with older students, no big deal. i made friends in my classes, some were freshmen some were seniors. its all about communication, if your nice to them they are nice to you. just dont worry about it, youll love it.

  2. relax. all the other students went thru or are going thru the same thing. The teachers, regardless of what you hear about them, are there to help, and most are more than willing to. Relationships, no help, sorry. I never dated seriously until I was a senior and she went to another school. Listen in class, smile, and if you don't know, ask.

  3. All you have to do is be a good friend, do well in your studies, and you'll be fine!  Ignore the people that get you down and if there's a club or team that you're interested in joining then join!!  It's cool meeting people who share the same passion as you and you'll make more friends.

    Oh and as for relationships, PLEASE don't be one of those girls that only feel happy when having a boyfriend.  You don't need a boyfriend just to have one!!  If you genuinely like a guy and he likes you back THEN be in a relationship :]]

  4. dont worry. everything will fall into its place.. just give it time.

  5. Its going to be great. I actually loved high school, its sooo much more fun than middle school and so much easier. Honestly all you have to do is calm down and take it slow, don't stress yourself out becuase its really not that huge of a deal. For the advanced classes try to make friends with any one who is in your grade first, then the older kids, thats how it was with me when i was a freshman. Whatever you do don't be one of those stupid freshmen that starts drama just to get noticed. The school work in my school was soooo much easier, get to know the teachers and it will be soo much easier. If you can make friends with upper classmen as soon as possible, my freshman year i was friends with mostly juniors and seniors.

    whatever you do have fun!

    remember these are the best years of your life, don't waste them stressing out.

  6. dont worry it will be fun

    even though u will get a lot of work but it is cool

    to have diffrent ages in ur class so u can have more friends

  7. im gonna be a freshmen 2!! and as far as classes and relation ships go...u'll be fine it cant be that bad.. and the older  ppl u prolly will know some of them. although the teachers might b a bit meaner than middle school...

  8. Yeah I gatta say that first day is quite the step. I was super nervous and the whether and all seemed to just make the whole walk up to the front door of the high school depressing but I have to say it isnt that bad once you get going. If its that big of a deal just make sure you get one or 2 friends to be there when you get there so if your early you have friends to talk to I made the mistake showed up early with no group and was alone for a while. Now im ganna be a senior it really is a fun place to be. Good luck have fun.

  9. Calm down, high school is not at all a big deal.


  10. It will be ok. I loved high school so much more than jr high. It is fun getting to be around people that are different ages and have different opinions and ideas.

    Good Luck

  11. hey hey...calm's ok...high school is will probably get more freedom...dont' worry about favorite teachers are still there in high will be just a little harder than middle school...but you will get used to it...after the first month you will probably be like "why was i worring so much about this"...and don't worry about others being in advanced classes...just go at your own pace...=)

  12. well i'm in the 11th grade an its nothing to be freaked out about all you have to do is go to skool an do wat your supose to do dont worry about anything else an the teachers if your nice to them their nice to you an yea you will run into bullys but jus dont worry bout t jus walk off an thats it i ahve been in high school 3 yrs its no big deal an yea it can be fun but all you got to do is go do your work an not get in alot of trouble like me but just get through the 4 yrs an then its over it will go by quick

  13. seriously just dont panic i was like you a few years ago and i made friends on the first day of skool in my second period class

    it was worse for me cause i knew absolutely no one from the school that i was going to

    just be confident...and smile

    im now in grade 12 and im like one of the more social popular girls

    just be very social with everyone...and what also helped me was being a bit of a flirt ;) lol

    message me i u have anymore questions

  14. Dont worry. In the beginning it's kind of nerve-racking, because there is so much going on. But a few days into school, you'll see how easy it really is.

    Yeah some of the upper classmen will look intimidating but they really arent. : ]

  15. What exactly is freakin you out about it? The important thing to remember is that for those ppl to be ahead of you they were all once where you are right now. They are no better or worse. I know that everyone likes ot say things about freshmen in high school but the truth is that we have all been there and we have all felt your pain. But believe me the year will go so fast and you will be through so much....freshmen year will be a joke when your a sophmore. And lol believe it or not what goes around comes around and when your a senior or junior you'll complain about the freshmen too. So you will be fine and just take everything in stride. Just always remember who you are what you are there to and make sure you always are taking advantage of everything. Oh and one thing everyone complains about with freshmen is that they don't know where they're going so word of advice if you school has an open house kind of thing for you to find your classes early on your schedules do it. Because then that will not only prevent you from being the stereotype but it will also make you feel more informed and sure of yourself.

  16. The classwork will come easily to you, just try your hardest.  When it comes to making friends and relationships, just be yourself and gravitate toward the people you think you might have a lot in common with.  I don't know if it's the same at every high school, but the first lunch period was very important in my school... that's when you find a group to sit and socialize with.  Just relax and enjoy yourself because one day you'll look back on high school and wish for those simpler times :)

  17. I would treat everyone kindly and with respect.  Don't talk about people, no matter how tempting it is.  People don't LIKE the girls who are mean and catty--they fear them and/or hate them.  I teach high school, and there is a girl that comes to mind that nobody says anything ugly about, because she's friendly to everyone.  When someone gossips to her about someone else, she thinks of something positive to say about the victim of the gossip.  Also, don't do things that could lead to gossip about you--guard your reputation, because for the next 4 years it will be pretty important to you.

    As for the classes, KEEP ORGANIZED.  Most of my students who have the worst grades are horribly unorganized.  Have a separate folder or binder section for each subject, and don't get rushed and use the wrong one.  Don't wait until the last minute to do homework, and most important, DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST WEEK BEFORE REPORT CARDS TO GET CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR GRADE!!!  Sorry for the caps, but I get VERY tired of students who do nothing all 9 weeks and then beg me right before report cards for bonus work.

    Good luck, and enjoy your high school years!

  18. Listen, do your best in school and don't worry about the others.  Try to get on the A or A/B honor roll for the next four years.  Your goal is to get through high school to get into college.  The people you meet in high school will 9 times out of 10 not even make it out of high school let alone college.  It is okay to be nervous.  In my AP English/Math/Science classes I was the only ethnic person out of 12 students for four years.  Instead of trying to please my friends not in those types of classes or suck up to the ones in the class, I was just myself and did not pay any attention to anyone who was in the way of my goals.  I also did not look down on lanyone who was not as smart as me either.  It paid off in the long run, because now I am able to be in both worlds (Above average and average).  That is because I am me and I don't care about what others think.  As long as I am doing a good job and putting my mind to anything that I want to do, I am good.  I was like that in high school and I am still like that now.  Just take care of you while you are in high school.  The years will fly by fast.  Enjoy it too.

  19. it's nothing serious, if you're not involved with dramatic people then drama won't come to you. just relax and go with the flow and you should have a good year :] actually maybe not because my freshman year sucked

  20. Ok don't freak about high going to be a Jr. this year and i remeber freshman year well! its no biggie- just be chill and cool...we can all tell when your nervous. The only way upperclassmen will tease you is if you try to act like your older or if your super nervous.

    Just don't let it get to you- High school is way better than middle school. you'll love it.

  21. don't worry just go with the flow!!!!!!! ull get the hang of it!!!! :)

  22. ok im gonna be a sophomore like in 2 weeks aha but when i was a freshman i was nervous too but they said theres a freshman friday when the seniors dump freshman in the trashcan but in my school that never happened but if they talk about it in ur school just hide in the restroom lol and they didnt bug me much about being a freshman. just be yourself and try ur best and dont let people make fun of u or anything k hope i helped :)

  23. Don't be. It's all of the good things about middle school minus the bad, seriously, everybody says this, middle school sucks, you should be more afraid if you were going into 8th grade cause its another year in middle school!!!

    high school is sooo much better,there are so many awesome poeple to be frineds with. College is even better!

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