
People who have been to a michael jackson concert?

by  |  earlier

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how was the experience?

did you faint?

which tour was it?

where did you go?

what city?

what was the weather like?

was there alot of excitement?

did MJ say anything to the crowd?

tell me Im so curious. i was never old enough to go to one myself




  1. Oh I would love to go but... I haven't been to any concert! MJ please start touring lol!!!

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  2. It would be soo awesome to see MJ in concert. I've only seen videos of his concerts. I was never old enough either.

    But if he ever does another show, I'm there!


    I've never been to a michael jackson concert...but i don't wanna die before to see a concert of the king of pop :-)

    I heard the the michael jackson concerts was the best thing of the world, full of explosions, great songs and great dancers....

    Michael is great



  4. i havent either......

    i cant explain how many times i regret that i was born toooooooooooo late to go his concert.  i was born when he was in world tour!!!!!!!!!!

    i saw him from just 10 feet away in japan, when he had thank-you party there.  he didnt sing or dance at the time. he spoke a little but the audience was screaming and shouting, so i guess nobody could listen to him at all lol

    i would LOVE to go his concert.

    it doesnt need to be a big concert, i just wanna see him singing and dancing in a little club hall.  am sure i would be faint lol

  5. I wish I was able to, but I only heard stories from those who have and they said it was worth all the money they saved for. They even had the experience of being able to chase his car all they way to the hotel and he would let the car stop roll down the windows and wave at the crowd.  They  said I missed one half of my life.

  6. I haven't been...but i would SO love to!!!

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