
People who have lived/visited both Melbs and Perth?

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Which did you prefer and why?

Are the people different?

Pros and Cons?




  1. perth is very isolated, melbourne is very cosmopolitan. for this reason the people are very different. perth is very beautiful and melbourne is more vibrant and grand. i prefer melbourne, but i am biased towards my hometown.

  2. I love melbourne because of its style (although sometimes what they call 'art' is a little weird) but i prefer perth.

    even though it IS in the middle of no where...i love the way the city feels when you walk through it.

    most cities, (melbourne included) feel dirty, cramped, and polluted, but Perth is a very 'green' city...meaning that it felt clean, spacious and the air was very clean. it all really depends on your preferences though...which do you prefer?

    the people of perth seem to be in less of a rush than those of melbourne...but at teh smae time perth does ahve a beat to it. given the oppurtunity i would pick perth to move back to ver melbourne anyday

  3. Perth & Melbourne are completely different places.

    I find Melbourne is more arty and interesting, it has more history. I live in Perth and i would much rather live in Melbourne. I love the theatre and find that while some good things do come to Perth, the majority of production DON'T.  

    Melbourne is great for fashion, food and more art based things.

    It depends what type of city you want to live in? :S

  4. I live in Perth, love it, i have visited Melbourne nice place but too cold in winter time for me. I have also lived in Sydney three years, Port Hedland three years, but i still prefer Perth over all. It depends what sort of life style you are looking for,  My son lives in Brisbane i like it there , but i go up in winter as the humidity is very high in summer.

    And as for air fares being expensive in Perth thats  balony i travel a lot interstate and use Virgin Blue they always have cheap deals going, i also travel overseas a lot as well, and dont know when that other person was last in Perth but there is a lot going on there we are not back and beyond like they seem to think, thats why i always end up back here to live

  5. I lived in Perth for two months and didn't really enjoy it. I am pretty much a city boy and Perth is too much like a big country town to me. I don't mind the hustle and bustle of Melbourne. I don't even mind the traffic. You soon learn how to work around it. I love that Melbourne is such a liveable place yet there's so much happening. There's a strong sense of history yet great modernity.

  6. Well, I've lived in Perth and visited Melbourne. Melbourne is a big city like a lot of others, except it has a certain style (and high prices!) and a great cultural life. It's also far more physically accessible to the rest of Australia. I lived in Perth for 2 years and once we'd travelled all over the south west and seen Rottnest Island, a little east (not far as it's desert) and a little north, we started getting agoraphobic. It's closer to Indonesia than the rest of Australia, the air fares are high and therefore a lot of West Australians have never even been to the east coast. That results in an introspective, parochial attitude that isn't always very nice. Melbourne is far more cosmopolitan and accepting. So if I had to make the choice between the two, I'd probably pick Vic!

  7. I live in Perth but have been to Melbourne. I love both cities but Perth will always be number 1 in my heart. Melbourne in chilly, bustling, constantly busy, a dirty feel to it, some of the people seem to be more nasty and busy and rude. The city is artsy and easy to get around although it seems pretentious. However I love Melbourne I think its a personal thing. Perth is roomy and clean but dull sometimes. Its a beautiful city that is constantly booming and growing. Work is plenthful and the people are nicer and laid back.

    Both cities have their pros and cons it depends on a persons individual tastes.

  8. I have lived more than 10 years in each of Melbourne and Perth, more recently in Melb. I love both cities, and in all honesty I don't think that they are *that* different. For me, Melbourne has the slight edge simply because of the climate. I'm not a beach person, and Perth summers are long and draining.

    As one of the previous posters mentioned, Perth can be a bit of a big country town. You've heard of the idea of 6 degrees of separation between any two people in the world? In Perth its more like 2 degrees of separation. Meet anyone who grew up in Perth and chances are that you will have a link somewhere along the line. That doesn't happen as much in Melbourne.

    Both Melbourne and Perth are cities whose wealth is based on mining booms. The difference is that Melbourne's boom happened in the 1800s, while Perth's is still happening really. There's a feeling that there are still fortunes to be made in Perth, but to do it you have to be prepared risk it all in a glorious gamble. In Melbourne it seems to be more about managing things sensibly for the long term - which is probably the wiser course. Its not a universal rule, of course, its more the vibe of it.

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