
People who have writen answers to me about my cat and labor. this is rewarding.

by Guest57618  |  earlier

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Hello everyone,finally today 8-9-08 kittens have come from my cat tiki.

she had 3 beautiful kittens one a full grey tiger,and 2 mixed tigers.

the second one was a 5 hour came out feet first finally me and my mom had to pull it out because it was taking to long and right after that kitten was born another popped right out. wat would happend if me and my mom didnt take out the kitten? and was that bad or does taht happen alot to kittens?we dont know if they are males or females obviously.. anyone can help?

heres some pics of the new buggers-we have plenty of people that we know my two brothers want one so thats two gone and we are keeping one and getting him/her fixed. enjoy pics.

1st baby.

2nd baby. the complicated backwards one-is that normale?

3rd-fastest one minute.

the gang.-




  1. they are so beautiful! CONRATS! I love watchin my old cat in labor she was doin well untill one of her kittens was smaller than the other and we knew he was goin in to died cuz the mother wasn't feeding him milk @ all it was like she knew he was goin to died!then that next morning he ws on the side away from his sibs died! plz. treat them well! good luck wit the new kittens!  


    Soooo cute!


  3. If you hadn't pulled the breech birthed kitten out then the kitten, and the 3rd kitten coming after it might have both suffocated which obviously means bad complications for the mother too.. It's just like with humans, breech births are generally bad bc the baby can get the cord wrapped around it's neck and or suffocate before they are able to get out. As long as you pulled the kitten out very gently and didn't hurt the mother there's nothing wrong with that because you gave the kitten enough time to come out on it's own and didn't assist until you felt it was reasonable. Breech births aren't the prefered or intended way animals are supposed to give birth, and although rare, they do happen, and it's not so uncommon that a breeder wouldn't experience it occassionally.I would say that the kittens are too young to be handled right now or you'll make the mother very uncomfortable and stressed, but when they are older there is a very easy way to tell the gender apart. If you pick up one of the kittens and turn it on it's back ( mind you try to support it so it doesn't panic) you will be able to see it's genitalia. In a male kitten they will be further apart, and for female kittens next to each other. There's a link below with pics for you if that's not enough.  

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