
People who know some stuff about french/france?

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How would you say to a french person that you are American,

and how would you ask someone if they are french?

all in french, of course. lol.




  1. Salut, je suis americaine. Est-ce que vous etes français?

    Voilá, bonne chance. C'est bizarre la question, mais lá tu l'as quand meme.

    Desolee je ne peux pas mettre les accents.

    Et en français on ne roule pas les "r" mais on le prononce un peu fort, pareil a l'espagnol. En anglais vous n'avez pas le son "R".

  2. You would say 'je suis americain' if you're a man (best I can explain the pronounciation: ah-mare-e-ken. Roll your Rs please! xD).

    If you're a woman, you would say 'je suis americaine' (pronounciation like: ah-mare-e-caine'. The ending is drawn out slightly more than the masculine).

  3. Je suis Americane, et tu?

  4. I am American :

    for boys : je suis américain.

    for girls : je suis américaine

    And you, are you french ? :

    polite way : et vous, êtes vous français ?

    friendly way : et toi, es tu français ?

  5. Marjo TW has got it exactly right

    And Michelle made a big mistake. You don't "roll your r's"

    Thats  Spanish

  6. Je suis americain (if you are a male), je suis americaine (if you are a female).

    "Et toi" means "and you" for someone you know well or someone who is very young.

    But you better use "Et vous" more polite and more appropriate for someone you don't know or you just met.  

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