
People who live in Australia - What's your country like?

by Guest57407  |  earlier

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How are the schools? Are the people nice? What do you do for fun? Whats the climate like? Is Sydney a metropolitan city? How do foreign exchange programs work where you live? Any and all information about Austraila from natives is grealy appreciated!




  1. We all basically live like Bedouins that live in the desert. We live in constant fear that spiders, snakes and other wildlife are going to poison us...

    We do not have any cars here, and the weather is very dry. In summer we have to were masks to protect us from the heat and the UV rays. For food, we have nice kangaroo's and Koala's that we can BBQ...It's the best life ever!

    So please come and visit - you do not have to bring any clothes with you, we like to hunt naked...

  2. Australia is all desert down here. There's nothing. Just people riding camels to work everyday. We also have cowboys like the Wild West movie...

  3. I think you need to actually do a bit of research yourself. Your questions seem to indicate that you think Australia is so backwards that we don't even roads. ("Is Sydney a metropolitan city?" seem like you think we all live in log cabins)

    Are the people nice? - what do you want us to say? That we are all horrible and hate foreigners?

    Whats the climate like? - you can google this easily. Aust is a BIG place - as big as continental USA. Climate will therefore varies greatly throughout the continent.

    What do you do for fun? - we are all human here - believe it or not. So we do what any other human beings do for fun.

    Get some basic info first before asking questions about us.


  4. Our education system is of very high quality and Australian graduates work all over the world. Public primary and secondary education is free to Australian citizens and permanent residents, but around 1/4 (perhaps more) of our kids go to private schools, many of which are single-s*x. Our schools (even public ones) have compulsory school uniforms. Our long school vacation is in December and January as that is our summer and we have 3 additional short (1 or 2 week) mid-semester breaks.

    Australia is a huge country and our climate ranges from tropical, through sub-tropical (that's where I live) in the north to mediterranean and temperate in the south. Nowhere (except in the high mountain ranges) gets snow in winter.

    People here do much the same things as anyone else in a first world country would do for fun and most of us have access to miles of marvellous beaches for swimming, surfing or other water activities.

    Sydney is a beautiful, busy, modern, metropolitan city of around 4 million people and is located on one of the most magnificent harbours in the world with some of the world's best beaches on its doorstep.

    We have many exchange students in programs arranged by organisations like Rotary and various churches. One of my nieces is currently on exchange with a Canadian girl and my daughter's school always has a number of exchange students from all over the world.

    Australians are very laid back, friendly and welcoming to visitors and we have a very safe environment. Guns are virtually unheard of here and I've never even seen a handgun. Of course we have drug problems and criminals like every other country and there are some areas where it's unwise to go alone at night, but overall, crime doesn't touch ordinary people.

    Hope this helps - come on down!


    StonedAgain - I think your nickname says it all. I said that crime doesn't touch ordinary people in Australia and I stand by that. If you think the 3 or 4 gangster shootouts in Melbourne in over a decade is 'always', then I recommend you stop using whatever it that you use and get over to somewhere like Washington DC and see what life is like in other places.

  5. You probably realized everyone here has a really great sense of humor and are joking around with you we all know how to have fun. You'll make a lot of good mates here in no time also feel right at home. All the people here are really laid back and nice.

    I live right smack in the middle of the Sydney CBD. It's very 24/7 here in Sydney so if you feel like to go out and have a drink or something to eat you go to the gym, club or shopping or to even to a Mc Donald's can anytime of the day or night.  18 yo is the legal drinking age here. It's very easy to get a part time or full time job here too as well.  

    Here's a few links to have a look what Sydney is like also Martin Place (where they do the Today Show) , Bondi Beach, Night Clubbing, Blue Mountains, Thredbo, Luna Park.

    Sydney Weather 9 months warm only for 3 months it gets a little chilly at night during winter. You'll like Australian television it can become addictive,also going to the international cafe's, harbor cruises, there is so much to do. There are so many out door free events and things to see all the time.

    I like going to live concerts all international acts come here also I like going surfing when I can, swimming everyday, bbq's socializing with friends going to the pub or the movies. My job as a manager is demanding so I'm mainly working or I go and visit friends. It really depends on how I'm feeling because I'm only a two minute walk to everything.

    I went to Maquarie University here in Sydney here are a few links with the exchange student program.

  6. ozmaniac whaaat!!?  live in a dream world. There's always mad shoot outs in melbourne and in broad daylight sometimes.  I nearly got shot going from Coles into a taxi, innocently mangled up in some gangster scene. Aussies try to live on in some silly  "oh yeah everything's good cos mommy and daddy sorts it all out " world, and don't know or want to know what reality is. Aussies are vulgar racist bigots who like to frequent their many gangland owned licensed women trafficking " legal " brothels !

    Oh and the aussies don't blow their own boring trumpet a lot. Crime doesn't touch ordinary people but ordinary people in australia touch vulnerable people where they shouldn't and shamelessly.

    Pimps paradise. And so why do all the cops australia wide carry guns if guns are unheard of ? Why has there been 27 fatal police civilian shootings, none bringing prosecutions, in Victoria alone ? Reality !

  7. It all depends on where you live here.  The climate varies from area to area,  as do the people, schools, prices, housing availability  and everything else.

    Sydney is a pretty metropolitan city on a par with most big cities.  Think San Francisco or Boston.

    I know none of this is very helpful in answering your questions, but it's a vast country with many, many sides to it.

    You might try looking up a group on Yahoo groups.  There are Americans in Australia groups, New Zealanders in Oz groups etc.. so hopefully you can find a group that might do a better job of answering your questions.

  8. haha that MQ guy is joking by the way.

    it is the best country. most people are so friendly.  we are a pretty laid back country.

    not much racism. schools are great i think. there isn't that whole cheerleaders jocks nerds thing.

    its just kinda like theres about a quarter of a year level are cool.

    and cool usually means outgoing, really funny, and can easily make friends.

    and the losers just kinda stay in their group and talk about smart things i guess lol.

    we have big cities just like other countries. its not all desert and kangaroos and our idea of a big city is a few building lol.

    melbourne is the best city in my opinion. has great shops and the best resteraunts. i just resently went to sydney though and before i went i hated sydney because of this whole melbourne sydney rivelry. but when i went i realised how pretty the city is.

    but i still prefer melbourne.

    we have the best beaches in the world.

    go to queensland for all the theme parks and surfing places.

    yeah there are those places that are like people saying g'day mate and there are A LOT of kangaroos in the outback parts of australia if you want to see that.

  9. australia is so beautiful, and im so proud to live in this country , the people are amazing and friendly.

    schools are great fun and you learn heaps

    not sure about exchange programs

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