
People who live in or have traveled to India?

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I am trying to plan a trip to India and a couple other places in July or so. I wanted to know of some places to check out, I HATE huge groups of tourists, immensley, I want to go experience the culture, see local stuff, not walk around with a big group of Americans, I hate it, so what are some hidden treasures or more local places I could see? What cities should I go to? I want to do a lot of photography while I am there, especially of local markets and Hindu culture and art, what would be some good places to check out? Thanks a ton




  1. i can tell u that since u r interested in cultrue and stuff u should see varanasi..

    but in july it might be too hot and monsoon starts by july too

    so weather might give u great pleasure if its rain..

    or u might be exhausted in hot..

    i donno much about south india rajasthan where im sure u will find a lots of things to take pics and see about indian cultures.

    varanasi is a must see in my opinion..

    search abot varanasi in net..

    then u can go to farther up in north ..

    which is rich in natural beauty..

    taravelling alone or with one partner is kool.. than with a huge group

    happy journey..

  2. You can find a lot of interesting tourist places for a cool and enjoyable vacation at South India, with a great culture and beautiful sceneries for photography.  Madurai, Tanjavur, Mamallapuram,  Hampi, Mysore, Belur and Halebid are great places for  learning Hindu culture and architecture, a journey in the backwaters of Kerala are a wonderful experience. There are many other interesting places such as hill stations, busy   and unexplored beaches  in South India.

  3. good to learn ur interests.I am in India so u can rely on me.

    1. u may avoid July-aug., since it may beraining at many places in India. sept. should be excellent.

    2. India is a country of extremely diversified culture. to select a few for u..

    A) Hindu- sept 30, is a beginning of 9 day festival (nav ratri) in Kolkata(Durga puja). The same is also celebrated with great enthusiasm in gujarat(Ahmedabad or baroda). Don't miss If u happen to be in India on 24th Aug., (birth day of Lord Krishna) go to Mathura, the birth place of lord Krishna.

    B) Buddhist- if u r planning to go to Kolkata, go to Darjiling, siliguri, Kalimpong(all r hill stn & profoundly Budhist)

    C) ISLAM;-Visit Ajmer for alliance of hindu & islamic culture.

    HISTORY; don't miss Taj(Agra) & do visit jaipur or udaipur for Rajput history.

    LOCAL STUFF: Incredible India organizes village life tour in vatrious parts of the country where u shall have chance to see from a very close distance the life of villagers,their culture, their arts and crafts. Jaiselmer shall be very nice & there u can have a camel ride into the dessert too.

    for more details, e mail me. I shall be glad to help u.

    good luck.

  4. It is very rare to c originaly HINDU populous city and HINDU temples in INDIA bcoz its ruled by Mughal more thn 1000 years so they have destroyed lots of temples n build mosque at the same site so Originaly HINDUISM is worship now bt there r some places i m giving u the site so u can decide where to travel

    and specially visit to my city  here is the site add

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