
People who live in the city and ones who live in the country?

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I need to write a comparison and contrast essay(differences and similarities) on one of the following topics:

1.two generations of people,students,teachers,etc. in the city and living in the country

I was thinking maybe writing about the second topic would be easier.

but..anyway,if you have any information on each can you please tell me please?

there must be people here who live in the city and some others who live in the country!

thanks for all answers!




  1. I have lived in the country all of my life. I am only 30 years old, yet can remember not having electricity or running water when I was little. It was inconvenient, but also instilled in me a great love of reading and imagination. I am lucky enough, now, to own three horses and have the fields for them to run and play. I have three dogs that don't have to be penned in all the time.  My children have the freedom to play outside with out me worrying if they are going to get snagged by somebody.  It is quiet and at night during the summer I can hear the frogs chirping in the pond across the road and the stars are so bright.  We have a wonderful school system, ranked one of the best in the state.  My husband and I and now our children attend it. Yes, we do have issues with communication.  We can only get dial-up internet and the phone lines can be a bit spotty as well. Our cell signal tends to fluctuate quite a bit too. To me it is worth it. It keeps the big bad world from clouding up my little piece of mind. I don't really know anything about living in a city, other than I don't think I would want to. Hope this give you a little country insight.

  2. Living in the city:

    - Pollution and noise.

    - Usually younger average age.

    - More modern technology available.  

    - Different ways of living - working.

    - Good communications (transport and roads etc...).

    - House prices are higher.

    - Higher crime rates.

    - Job opportunities.

    - More educational availability.

    Living in the country:

    - More traditions.

    - Usually older average age.

    - Different ways of living - farming.

    - Less modern technology.

    - Bad communications (transport and roads etc...).

    - Lower crime rate.

    - You can own more land.

    - More close knit communities.

    - You can own a horse, or two. (farm)

    - Houses are cheaper.

    - Lots of views.

    - Quiet, peaceful and less pollution.

    - Unemployment problems.

    - Less educational availability.

    - More feeling of safety and security.


    - Both have electricity and gas supplies.

    I'm going to add more, hope this helps.   :-)

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