
People who make up puns. Amusing or Annoying?

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cute website!




  1. That depends on whether they're Dorothy Parker who performs "calisthenics with words" or your great uncle who passionately professes that, "She was only a gardener's daughter, but she sure knew how to plant her two lips."

  2. It was funny the first few times my step-mom started on this whole pun kick. But the other day I realized it was annoying. I said my boss was going to the fair so I had to work and that wasn't fair. Now I just dread when the next one will come. Uggghhhh.

  3. Depends, People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

    I'm not going to try and type the joke...

  4. its actually annoying

    it made me stop watching cheap mtv shows when im bored

  5. amusing

  6. annoying  

  7. Annoying. Unless they're really old men. Then it's corny and I think cute.

  8. depends

  9. hmm what do u make up puns because i find them amusing

  10. see this website

  11. depends on what they puns are or if the situation calls for it

    most of the time they are funny

  12. annoying

  13. what's a pun? is it like a bun, i like buns, but biscuts are better, like the ones at red lobster. mmmmmmmm :)


  14. It really depends how you use one. By the way, tealtop1 is a complete idiot.

  15. Amusing as long as they don't over-do it, and they have to be actually funny.

  16. amusing, it is a talent, no fooling

  17. Sometimes BOTH

  18. amusing...they're so stupid they're funny. It's very..punny

  19. everything in moderation.  too many is tacky but they can make a convo more interesting.

  20. It depends on the pun.

  21. I believe in certain contexts, it can be both. Sometimes, a pun is so annoying, that it can be amusing.

  22. it's a real pun-ishment to listen to them


    O G-D NO!!!!!!!

  23. funny

  24. hee hee hee I'm punny

  25. amusing-if it's Nipsy Russell

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