
People who play the guitar?

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are there any online resources that teach you how to play basic guitar- but without out all this talk of chords and stuff? Is there anything out there with just pictures ? ?




  1. D'accord music software

  2. i would just google it and find the right thing for you! but the best way to learn is to have proper lessons because you can have someone show you what to do and how to do it and give you tips on how to improve. with just pictures and words it dosnt all ways work!

    so i would find someone who can teach you and just practise. then find some gituar books with some music that you like and just try to figure out chords and how to play! ;D

    hope i helped ya!  

  3. Chords are essential to learning music, however, if you want to learn fingerpicking, and tips like that, is a great place to download tabs from. But I strongly suggest you practice with techniques such as modes, chords, and arpeggios to become a better player.

  4. Um... how do you plan to learn how to play the guitar without learning the BASICS?  That is like trying to learn how to drive a car and never get behind the wheel or learn the stuff in the book to get your license to drive.

  5. Hello--

    You can find guitar lessons in video format on YouTube, and you can get instructional videos on dvd or vhs from a variety of sources--cheapest being used booksellers and ebay.

    But there is reason for concern.

    First--'all this talk of chords and stuff'?  That doesn't sound like the attitude of a successful guitar student.  In order to play, you not only need to learn where to put your fingers and how to strum--you need to have a basic idea about how music works, how chords progress, how harmonies and melodies work together.  Now, you aren't enslaved to a particular format--you don't absolutely HAVE to learn how to read music, read tab, or use Nashville number system.  But you'll never get to be a good player unless you pick up one or more of those skills.

    Moreover, beginning guitarists need lessons.  That's because, as a beginner, people almost always make at least some minor errors in finger placement or wrist position--and aren't aware that they're making errors, so they don't correct them.  Errors turn into bad habits, which slow down progress and limit your potential, and in the worst cases can cause repetitive motion injuries like carpal tunnel.

    For the cheapest high-quality lessons, I suggest advertising or asking at the music department of a nearby college; guitar majors know their stuff, and they work cheaper.  Alternatively, ask at the best music store in your town.  A dozen or so lessons will fix up your fundamentals, and then it will be safer to self-educate if you want to go that way.  But remember, learning to play guitar IS learning about chords and stuff, OK?

  6. u need to learn the basic chords first

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