
People who pretend to be someone else cause they dont like their reality?

by  |  earlier

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I read about this once, there's a disorder where people often imagine they are someone else, a character they make up (although they can distinguish that they're not actually this person, but "become" them in their minds cause it's a comfort to them)

I don't know if my description made much sense but if anyone knows the name of this disorder or any more info could they tell me please? thanks




  1. Anything from dissociative personality features to a full on Dissociation. It's common reaction to a trauma and often accompanies PTSD. It's treatable.

  2. Presidential Candidates??

  3. Schizophrenia

  4. multiple personality disorder?

  5. Maybe narcissistic personality disorder? These people are totally focused on themselves and lie and cheat and put on an act to be noticed and to get what they want. Antisocial people just don't care about other people's feelings and only think of themselves too. Or how about 'I live in a make-believe world because I'm not really secure or sure about myself?' There's got to be a word for that one. It's easier for me to just be myself and take life as it comes.

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