
People who r SMART?

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see i have a huge assignment and i need help. Please if u r going to answer this answer it right please. This is a 500 point project. If i do good i will have a A but if I do bad and get a F the most i can raise it to is a D so please only answer this if u like poetry or no what to write. ok here is the question WRITE A POEM OF AT LEAST 10 LINES. THIS SHOULD DESCRIBE WHAT POETRY MEANS TO U. PLEASE DON'T MAKE IT SOUND ALL WEIRD PLEASE. THANK U AND ONLY SMART 8 OR HIGHER GRADERS ANSWER THIS




  1. write it yourself garsh!

  2. Was it ment to be said is it dead

    Counting down to the early ages

    When the rain it falls into a blizzard

    It keeps on falling does it stop

    When the rising sun comes appearing up

    It sits on the hill shining so bright

    We can’t look into it or our eyes will die

    If that happens then the moon will cry making a river

    It flows so gently making ripples yet when you into the water it seems so empty

    It shines in the dark and fades during the day if we ask for help now

    The pain will never go away

    When do we go back I’m counting down today

    If no one helps then there will be nothing else left

    I’m going to find a wayy

    What is lost in our thoughts

    *Hope this helped!*

    -Marissa.C <33
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