
People who sell on Ebay, I need your help!!?

by  |  earlier

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I was selling my ipod and when the bid ended the highest bidder sent me an email saying "Don't go through with the sale, it wasn't me bidding." "someone hacked into my account."

What should I do about this? give him bad feedback / relist the item at my expense? Or simply move on to the next highest bidder and give them a second-chance offer?

Thanks, I really appreciate your answers




  1. The second highest bidder would be the easiest way to go.

    I believe ebay has a function that allows you to cancel that transaction. I wouldn't give bad feedback, just maybe a neutral and say the transaction was not completed.

  2. Hello my friend,

    I would contact eBay first and let them know about the situation.

    I have had this happen to me a few times, but the seller never contacted me, eBay did.

    So to make sure this is the truth, have eBay check it out.

    Also, before you contact eBay.  Put your second chance offer through (if you are OK with the amount of money they offered)

    Once eBay finds out that what they said is true, they will cancel everything and refund your listing fees.  In other words, you won't be able to make a second chance offer.

    Lastly, eBay has changed the rules again.  A seller can't leave negative feedback for a buyer.  

    I found this out when some one didn't pay me and I tried to leave negative feedback.

    The bottom line is, the easiest thing to do is to make a second chance offer or relist the item.

    I hope this helps.

    Ollie G

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