
People who speak Spanish?

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There is a Spanish girl in my class, and I so desperately want to be able to hold a conversation with her, so I am learning Spanish words. The problem is, I realized that when I translate Spanish into English, it has a different order, and I want to be able to talk to her, with her knowing what I'm talking about. So how do I know what order to put words in and stuff, or is there a website?




  1. postlatin language are subject+predicate ...english is the other way around,change this when speaking with her

  2. try this (look at my source).  and just change the languages at the top. you have to register,   but its easy and free.  i 100%.  you can lik esue me if its not

  3. u can say:

    "como estas?" r u?

    "como se llama (yama)?"....what's ur name?

    "me gusta....."......i like





    other words can be found on

  4. It takes about 5 6 years to start understanding spanish unless you are dedicated. It takes about 3 4 years.  

  5. I use

  6. i speak spanish and its probly best if u get someone that speaks spanish and english to teach u... most every website isn't accurate in spanish... even some of the works are wrong!

  7. why don't you just ask her what the right order is, get her to teach you.

    we had a spanish exchange last year, and i asked him to teach me spanish, and he was more than pleased to. because he realized i was interested in his background.


  9. The adjectives come after the nouns, always, and the you always have to conjegate the verbs, there are websites, but of coarse the dont follow the rules, adj. after noun, and they dont conjegate verbs

  10. It would be easier if you bought a book, took lessons on-line, or found a tutor. There's no easy way to know automatically what order it should go in. here are some simple things you can say:

    Como te llamas? (what's your name?) (its pronounced yamas, not llamas)

    Como estas? (how are you?)

    Que pasa? (what's up?)

    i can't think of anything else...

  11. umm likee maybee you couldd just w.e

    i hope i helped


  12. hola haha

  13. I'm Italian and I love Spanish......I can speak Spanish  very much.....I'm sorry but I don't speak english very much......hihihihi !!!!!!!!

  14. i dont know but you have a spannish name

  15. p**a means friend.

  16. Go buy an English/Spanish dictionary. The paperbacks are cheap. The two of you will have fun taking turns using it to communicate with each other, and you will learn at the same time.

    BTW... some idiot answered you that "p**a" means friend. It means tramp or w***e. Get the book and have fun.

  17. this will help some

    also in spanish the main object (usually the noun) in the sentence is always first

    for example in english we say the white house

    in spanish it's the other way around

    it's la casa blanca.

    in english you say the begin describing the thing before you know what it is your talking about...

    in spanish "the" is either el or la, the former being for masculine things the latter for feminine things.

    i wish you the best. Spanish people are lovely.  

  18. Verbs and  he object words are switched and so are other things

  19. well its a bit difficult until you start conversing in spanish everything will fall into place. for example "como te llamas?" direct translation      " what you call yourself?" of course we don't speak like that. correct question is "cual es tu nombre?" "what is your name?" keep at it and it does get easier.

  20. Ok in Spanish the object is first in the ssentence. it actually make more sence! I u say "the red car" in spanish is "el carro rojo" it would be lik saying the car red! c the object goes first! but not everything is mixed around there r thighs lik "what is your name" in spanish its (cual es tu nombre) or (como te llamas)! ok kind of hard 2 explain everything but if u need more help feel free 2 email me! i'll help u.

  21. Okay well here's something important to realize: English is backwards from a lot of languages.

    For example, if you have the sentence:

    "Little Ana plays outside." Then in Spanish, the order would be "Ana little plays outside."

    Switch the subject and adjectives.

    Hope that helps ;)

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