
People who take the train or bus to work, what behavior annoys you the most?

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I ride the train and I'm constantly amazed at the inconsiderate shite people do. Loud talking, yelling, that type of stuff.




  1. Really------------>  When people pretend they CANNOT afford the form of transportation... common year 2006.... sure one can afford a BUCK!

  2. Hacking, nose picking, sneezing without covering up and other horrible ways of spreading their filth.  Please use a tissue or hankie.

  3. Well... I don't take the train anymore... but did for many years.  So... a short story and then the pet peeve.

    My train stop was at the beginning of the line... so of course I'd have an "inside" seat as opposed to an aisle one.  Well one day nobody was sitting next to me... and I see this big momma... and I do mean big... "running" for the train.  What I really mean is that her arms looked like she was running.  The movement was... well... a quick walk at best.  Anyways... she sits down next to me... and just *flows* over into my seat.  It was horrible.  She was out of breath and I could hear her heart thumping through her fat.

    Things that used to bug me every day... people would sit in one seat and put their bag next to them like it was a passenger... and then wait for you to ask them to move it.  "Maybe I'll just let that bag sit there.. and stand myself"

  4. Cell phone talkers and people who f**t.

  5. cell phone usage. it's not necessary to talk to someone on a phone while your commuting..

  6. Sitting right next to me when there are 5 empty seats.

  7. when ppl talk so loudly on their cell phones that everyone in the immediate vincinity is forced to be part of the conversation


  8. people staring at each other for an entire journey.

  9. it's just not on a bus or train.  people like that are everywhere!  i can't stand going to the grocery store and everyone talks on their d**n cell phones and block the aisles.  c**p like that annoys me.  people in today's society only think about themselves.  we live in a very selfish time

  10. Loud Cell phone use

    Coughing without covering

    Feet in the aisles

    Failing to move for a senior citizen (or at least offer to)

    screaming children

    Why can't everyone shut up and stare at the floor like intended?


  11. as a train conductor for a commuter railroad, i am subject to behavior like this every day.  most of the time it is just people talking on their cell phones too loudly, so i remind them to be more quiet over the PA system.  then there are also people who put their feet on the seats.  i remind them about that too.  other things are talking to loudly in groups or just bothering other people, which doesnt usually happen.  i have also encountered a good amount of drunk people on the late night trains that i work.  that is always a lot of fun

  12. jack@sses on their godd@mn cellphones- speak quietly or just SHUT IT!

    p.s. "just relax" my @ss; we are trying to have a friggin civilization here.

  13. What if someone calls you on the cell? And it is your daughter? OK, so don't be loud and obnoxious about it.

    Here is what to do: buy an MP3 player, load all your favorite tunes on it, and "tune" out the others on the train while you read, jam, work, whatever.

    I feel for you, but you cannot make it go away by complaining. You will never make it go away. So just relax!

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