
People who throw kisses are hopelessly lazy... Bob Hope Quote.. What do you think?

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I never thought of it in that way.




  1. Funny!

  2. I think not all.

  3. yup, u r right !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Bob Hope has incredible timing, and many times his facial expressions told more than the actual words of the joke.  He was an outstanding humanitarian, and a very funny guy.  He has been missed.

  5. Nice one Bob - but how about the soldier going off to war on the train blowing a final kiss to his girl?  Not so lazy!

    Bob Hope's kissing lesson.. . .

    Bob Hope was born about 3 miles away from where I'm sitting.

    When he came over here during WW2 he once said, "Us British must stick together".  He never once forgot his roots and remained unto his last day, a true loyal American.

  6. Yes I agree. It's like people who "air kiss" you, they're a bit closer but still lazy!

  7. ...... as well as those who just blow them.

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