
People who win the lottery and say it will never change me?

by  |  earlier

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dont they p**s u off? they still work at the same job etc for minimum wage.




  1. I won the lottery and it never changed me. Well £10 wouldn't really would it?

  2. Yes, it's very annoying to hear people say that, especially the ones that say it's not going to change their life.

    Yeah, right. That means they'll still be sending their payments in to Visa and Sears, juggling expenses to make the mortgage payment, shopping around for cheaper gas, and going to work every day, maybe even bringing their lunch to save a few bucks.

    Even if they never touched a dime of the money, just knowing it's there is a pretty big lifestyle change.

  3. They say this but in reality it does. Of course the more you have the more you want.

    Still, Id like to win and It will change me and others.

    Wouldnt mind 129.000.000 please.

  4. it wouldn't change me either....after i buy a butt load of goodies, toys and other stuff I really don't need.

  5. I think what they mean is it won't change the person they are. Of course they'll buy the toys.

  6. no, good luck to em

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